Anonymous ID: 2ea1d2 March 4, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.5503419   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It is quite simple. The Democrats have discovered that they cannot win the presidential election under the current electoral system. There are enough States with Republican majorities that WILL reject the new socialist-Democrat push. The only way for the Democrats to win takes a two-pronged approach to 1- Get as many illegal immigrants as they can and get them to vote and 2- Eliminate the Electoral college and base the presidential election solely on popular vote. If you notice, the Left controlled states have two things in common. 1- they are the ones who are allowing mass, undocumented (illegal) immigration, and 2- they are also the ones pushing the popular presidential vote. This is not by any means a coincidence. It is a well thought out, planned strategy.

It has been pointed out that in the past, the Democratic leaders were all for blocking illegal entrance to the USA. Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton all have existent videos showing this stance. Why? Well, back then, blocking immigration was a winning strategy. Most people were convinced that this was a danger to the country, and a winning platform could be run on this. So they were all on board. But now, with the Socialist shift in the Democratic party, this strategy no longer works. So a new plan was instituted. The Democrats have gone from representing their constituents, to an ideological driven group, irregardless of their constituents desires. There exists enough of a majority in the heartland states to block this ideological drive. The constitutional playing field will no longer accept their advances. So, the only option for them is to change the playing field. Eliminate the electoral college, and bring in as many illegal immigrants as it takes to get the popular vote high enough to win. This is what the entire border wall- illegal immigration issue distills down to. Changing they way we do elections so they can win, because under the current system they cannot. And the current system was designed to prevent exactly this.

So it comes down to the fundamental question, do we want to keep an elected Republic, or do we want a socialist Country? That is the battle that is coming up, and everybody needs to take a look at things from this perspective, and make a choice.