>>5504293 pb
Of course he did.
This is not "news".
Hussein will get a pass. "would be unprecedented ....." His installment was "unprecedented".
Stop making MILINTEL the heros.
Who was installed at DIA by Hussein when all of this was going down, hmmm? Why was GCHQ allowed to set up shop right on NSA campus? "Unprecedented" ???
Why was that race-baiting, un-American, incompetent, bile-filled shitstain not allowed to follow in Dick Lake's shoes over to C_A black? Hmmm? Yet, he continues to "serve at the pleasure of the President" and polish his (((Wiki))) with moar "first ever ...." bullshit.
On one hand, we were reassured that the division that overt race-baiters create is destroying the country and must be stopped.
On the other, race-baiters are not confronted, removed and banished. They continue to serve "at the pleasure of the President", collecting their pay, their benefits, their contacts for their comfy post AD life on corporate boards while hand-picking their replacements to fill the talent pipeline for a decade or more to come.
This is NOT "cleaning the swamp".
GEOTUS talks about "merit" for immigration, but what about "merit" for the military, "merit" for the federal civil service?? Hmmmm? When do the "black", "hispanic", "LGBT" etc "hookups" end"? When is your "identity alignment" less important than the actual skills you bring to the organization?
Purging race-baiters and making an example of them is not "racist".
America will not HEAL until you fix this.
We have all had enough.
This is not a knock on the millions of patriotic, hard-working, African-American anons who also reject identity politics and who have worked hard to earn what they have through MERIT. We are one family.
Toss the turds out of the punchbowl, to quote the Marines, ricky tick, please and thank you.