Anonymous ID: e9c6a9 March 4, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.5510444   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0975 >>1096

Corrupt Prosecutor Tony Golik Fabricating Crimes and Covering Others


Tony Golik, far left Portland State University graduate and criminal prosecutor for Clark County, Washington

Track record of corruption

Charging Billy Wilson for fleeing from Antifa domestic terrorists

>Patriot was attacked by antifa and now facing 4 years in jail



<tony golik, the columbian, dan gasperino, drugs, corruption



>Clark County Deputy Prosecutor arrested, convicted, probation, donates to political campaign, continues to manage department

>June 6, 2016

>Clark County Deputy Prosecutor Dan Gasperino was arrested on Christmas eve 2014 as he sped across state lines between Oregon and Washington

>Mr. Gasperino eventually pled guilty to the DUI and was forced to wear a monitoring bracelet for several weeks last year

>In 2015, it appears that Deputy Prosecutor Dan Gasperino was the only prosecutor in the State of Washington who was working to convict criminals while he was on parole himself

>The Columbian wrote an odd, fawning article about the incident, praising the prosecutor for checking himself into rehab while downplaying the significance of the arrest and conviction

>The Columbian ignored the prior DUI referenced in the officer’s arrest report, and ignored the $1400 of donations Mr. Gasperino made to Prosecutor Golik’s last few election campaigns

>Last month, we wrote an article critical of The Columbian’s failure to cover a story about fraud in the Elder Care Justice Center founded by Clark County Prosecutor Golik

>Mr. Gasperino currently manages the Drug Prosecution Unit in the Clark County Prosecutor’s office




>January 22, 2015

>Clark County deputy prosecutor gets probation for DUI




>January 19, 2016

>Clark County Prosecutor, Anthony Golik, accused of “inventing a crime”.




>August 29, 2018

>Clark County Sheriff Chuck Atkins, Prosecuting Attorney Tony Golik speak out on hatred, bigotry


<contact info


>Clark County WA Prosecuting Attorney Office



>Henessee, Shawn

>Clark County WA County Manager




>Julie Olson

>Clark County WA Councilman



>Gary Medvigy

<wew that bio lads

>Clark County WA Councilman
