Anonymous ID: dfd866 March 4, 2019, 6:27 p.m. No.5511670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1722 >>1758 >>1762 >>1785 >>1795 >>1929

You anons Better understand one thing:


There is universal laws.

You are both dead and alive and dead at the same time no?


What is NOW time? Both?


PAst is what?

FUture is what?

NOW is ?


What is infinite.. Define Unlimited?


Define the 7 principles of Hermes Trimestigus?


Define Electrmagnetic spectrum… What is it, how does it work?


All time in Pi fractals?


Where are you?


Where are you located in a system?


System of what?



Possible timelines?


Possible outcomes?


What is You?

HOW are you to be?


WHY are you?


How can you change a timeline?


What happens when you move an object in "now" time setting without past/future?


If ONLY NOW exist.. what is happening when you move a object?


What is intention? Intent on what?

Why is intent? What is energy?


Pendulum - Cause/effect create what?


What is feelings?


Why is feelings?


There is several ways to do this.


Define "Diamond"?


Why does LOVE always wins?


Define "High Ground"?


Why is it high ground?

What makes it "high"?


Spooky action at a distance?

Quantum Mechanics is what?


Lines in a ……?


Projection is but a futile attempt to do what?


Pendulum… works how?

When will the hammer(effect) fall?



WHY does future proves past?


What is future?


Define "Controlled action" in a Pi (Fractal) universe?


What is possible?


Pi is what?


Why does Pi even exist?


Free will - how? why is free-will? what is free-will?


Power over what? If you do the elimination prosess of cause/effect you get two causes, two effects, or two intents?


Define "order"? Why is future? What is now?

What does FEAR do to you? What does FEAR create? WHY is fear?

Define "Free-Will" again?


Particles react to what? -Quantum reaction?

Why? how? and what is letters? Why is it called "Spelling"?

Energy? Why? How?

What is a sensory input?

Why does water have memory?


WHY does future prove past? What are we creating now?

What is the Cause/Effect long-term?


What is being made in history?

Has it been done before? If yes, by whom? When?

What is history? Why? Memory?

How long does it take to create a new waveform pattern?

What are humans?

Why are humans?


What is collapse of waveform? What is collapse of observer?

How do you "jump" timelines? What happens? Shift in what? Energy? Did something just fall?

Did someone just drop something?


Did something just now fall and cracked? Why is it no longer the same as before? How?


What happened?


If you cant remember the last timeline, or remember what happened before you just jumped timelines do you forget a detail?


What happened?


How do you jump?


What makes strings connect? Objects?


An old saying goes; "do not touch anything you do not own, or that is not your property."




What is "yes/no" acceptance of? intent? contract? where? what timeline? What dimension? Define "Vampire"?


How do you "connect" timelines to drop the effect on desired frame? How do you raise vibration to another octave, connect strings then drop the hammer?




What does he do? How?


WE are everywhere.

WE are nothing.

WE are everywhere.

What is a "Tachyon"?




"They cant even see it coming"


When we say this is a "zero-point-End-Game"

It is because it already is.


Do you know the way?

Anonymous ID: dfd866 March 4, 2019, 6:42 p.m. No.5511957   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Easy way; Cut cords.

Cut objects, from old timelines.

Debt? to whom? When?


Why is debt? If you have zero debt and your own money?


Yes is a acceptance of future timeline/intent from whom?


What are you saying yes to?


Yes - Wait wait wait = effect.

No = instant collapse of waveform.


That is "linear". = z axis.

Vertical = feelings, energy = x axix.


Draw it. z = interaction with others - also acceptance of actions, words and "yes/no".

x = energy/intent - own frequency. What makes you putting out your own frequency? What is a frequency measured as? Define senses? Define Antenna?


Then you have the 5D space?


What is 1d?





etc etc.