Anonymous ID: f8c79e March 4, 2019, 6:16 p.m. No.5511450   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The CDC Lied and Chronic Pain Patients are still committing Suicide.


CDC Researchers State Overdose Death Rates From Prescription ……/cdc-researchers-state-overdose-death-rates-prescription-opioid…by over half.


Perhaps nothing illustrates the folly of government policies better than the rising number of pain sufferers who turn to street heroin because they can no longer get legal medication or commit suicide, to end the pain & political insanity.


End The War on Chronic Pain Patients & Their Physicians. Government restriction of pain treatment (opioids) is driving doctors out of practice & people in agony to the streets for illegal opioids, including suicide. We thought the Obama induced-nightmare would have ended by now


#OpioidCrisis Pain Related SUICIDES associated with forced taper…/opioidcrisis-pain-related-suicides-associated-with-forced-tapers…

May 11, 2018 - Ryan Trunzo of Massachusetts committed suicide at the age of 26. … treat his chronic pain after losing access to his pain control doctor and finding …. His widow feels long term pain patients like Doug are examples of horrible …


CDC Report Ignores Suicides of Pain Patients — Pain News Network…/6/7/cdc-report-ignores-suicides-by-pain-patients

Jun 7, 2018 - Substance abuse, physical health problems, and financial, legal or … “Many chronic pain patients left without a doctor or opiate painkillers will …


As doctors taper or end opioid prescriptions, many patients driven to ……/as-opioids-become-taboo-doctors-taper-down-or-abandon-…

Dec 10, 2018 - CDC officials added they are also aware chronic pain sufferers have committed suicide in their struggle to get by with fewer or no opioids.


People in Pain Petition the FDA: Cease, Halt, and Refocus! – National ……

Among many other developments in this war on pain patients, the US Food and Drug Administration … Chronic Pain is Not A Competition! ….. I think there definitely needs to be a class action lawsuit against the FDA and all who are involved in …


Dear CDC, Why Are You Torturing Pain Patients? | American Council ……/dear-cdc-why-are-you-torturing-pain-patients-11469

Jun 22, 2017 - I've read many stories about legitimate pain patients being denied … People are suffering in a way that you would never allow for your pet. … The abomination that your agency wrote will be picked to pieces by advocacy groups and lawsuits. … milligram equivalents, to expand exemptions to chronic pain .