Anonymous ID: dadc33 March 4, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.5511995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2037



So.. lots of peolle = wave?

one individual = particle?

What makes you quantum connected to others? Connected timelines how?

By what?


What measure your life?



What creates? Why is optics important?

Anonymous ID: dadc33 March 4, 2019, 6:52 p.m. No.5512104   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2134 >>2142 >>2215



Anchor points. Well done.


You are flying.


Okei, So what makes you connected to "higher" octaves?


How far is fractaling?


How do one "raise" another?


Cut cord, go flying, connect and measure?




How many "anchors" do you have to low octaves?


It is reaaaally hard to explain this.

It is like a diamond. U got to see many many facets to get a clear picture of the image in the middle.


"As below, as above".

As small.. infinite small so very very large".


and most important; As inside, so outside.


Why does my friend suddenly have a hard time when I fly?

What happened? 2 octaves higher ?



Lies does what if believed?

If repeated enough times it does what to the creating of fractal universes?


How to keep 1 (one) timeline? or reduce the number?

Anonymous ID: dadc33 March 4, 2019, 6:55 p.m. No.5512152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2261

Causality is a fundamental principle of physics. If tachyons can transmit information faster than light, then according to relativity they violate causality, leading to logical paradoxes of the "kill your own grandfather" type. This is often illustrated with thought experiments such as the "tachyon telephone paradox"[10] or "logically pernicious self-inhibitor."[18]


The problem can be understood in terms of the relativity of simultaneity in special relativity, which says that different inertial reference frames will disagree on whether two events at different locations happened "at the same time" or not, and they can also disagree on the order of the two events (technically, these disagreements occur when the spacetime interval between the events is 'space-like', meaning that neither event lies in the future light cone of the other).[19]


If one of the two events represents the sending of a signal from one location and the second event represents the reception of the same signal at another location, then as long as the signal is moving at the speed of light or slower, the mathematics of simultaneity ensures that all reference frames agree that the transmission-event happened before the reception-event.[19] However, in the case of a hypothetical signal moving faster than light, there would always be some frames in which the signal was received before it was sent so that the signal could be said to have moved backward in time. Because one of the two fundamental postulates of special relativity says that the laws of physics should work the same way in every inertial frame, if it is possible for signals to move backward in time in any one frame, it must be possible in all frames. This means that if observer A sends a signal to observer B which moves faster than light in A's frame but backwards in time in B's frame, and then B sends a reply which moves faster than light in B's frame but backwards in time in A's frame, it could work out that A receives the reply before sending the original signal, challenging causality in every frame and opening the door to severe logical paradoxes.[20] Mathematical details can be found in the tachyonic antitelephone article, and an illustration of such a scenario using spacetime diagrams can be found in Baker, R. (2003)[21]

Anonymous ID: dadc33 March 4, 2019, 6:59 p.m. No.5512204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2370






Causality is a fundamental principle of physics. If tachyons can transmit information faster than light, then according to relativity they violate causality, leading to logical paradoxes of the "kill your own grandfather" type. This is often illustrated with thought experiments such as the "tachyon telephone paradox"[10] or "logically pernicious self-inhibitor."[18]


The problem can be understood in terms of the relativity of simultaneity in special relativity, which says that different inertial reference frames will disagree on whether two events at different locations happened "at the same time" or not, and they can also disagree on the order of the two events (technically, these disagreements occur when the spacetime interval between the events is 'space-like', meaning that neither event lies in the future light cone of the other).[19]


If one of the two events represents the sending of a signal from one location and the second event represents the reception of the same signal at another location, then as long as the signal is moving at the speed of light or slower, the mathematics of simultaneity ensures that all reference frames agree that the transmission-event happened before the reception-event.[19] However, in the case of a hypothetical signal moving faster than light, there would always be some frames in which the signal was received before it was sent so that the signal could be said to have moved backward in time. Because one of the two fundamental postulates of special relativity says that the laws of physics should work the same way in every inertial frame, if it is possible for signals to move backward in time in any one frame, it must be possible in all frames. This means that if observer A sends a signal to observer B which moves faster than light in A's frame but backwards in time in B's frame, and then B sends a reply which moves faster than light in B's frame but backwards in time in A's frame, it could work out that A receives the reply before sending the original signal, challenging causality in every frame and opening the door to severe logical paradoxes.[20] Mathematical details can be found in the tachyonic antitelephone article, and an illustration of such a scenario using spacetime diagrams can be found in Baker, R. (2003)[21]


If it happens before the "cause" why?



Energy is so high that?


Define Coincidence?


Reinterpretation principle


The reinterpretation principle[4][3][20] asserts that a tachyon sent back in time can always be reinterpreted as a tachyon traveling forward in time, because observers cannot distinguish between the emission and absorption of tachyons. The attempt to detect a tachyon from the future (and violate causality) would actually create the same tachyon and send it forward in time (which is causal).


However, this principle is not widely accepted as resolving the paradoxes.[10][20][22] Instead, what would be required to avoid paradoxes is that unlike any known particle, tachyons do not interact in any way and can never be detected or observed, because otherwise a tachyon beam could be modulated and used to create an anti-telephone[10] or a "logically pernicious self-inhibitor".[18] All forms of energy are believed to interact at least gravitationally, and many authors state that superluminal propagation in Lorentz invariant theories always leads to causal paradoxes.[23][24]


How do you solve a paradox?


If a action create a paradox?

If no action does not create a paradox?


What stops measurment?

Define paradox?


Solve the paradox and master key is in hand.

Anonymous ID: dadc33 March 4, 2019, 7:06 p.m. No.5512318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2445



The reinterpretation principle[4][3][20] asserts that a tachyon sent back in time can always be reinterpreted as a tachyon traveling forward in time, because observers cannot distinguish between the emission and absorption of tachyons. The attempt to detect a tachyon from the future (and violate causality) would actually create the same tachyon and send it forward in time (which is causal).


What is Q?


How does he do it?

Anonymous ID: dadc33 March 4, 2019, 7:14 p.m. No.5512448   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OK anons.


Good talk. I hope you read my posts slow.

Think about them. Maybe read and research abit.

Most of all, experiment with memory, and object anchors.

Watch the water. WATER.


What are we?


Anyway.. have a good one.

