Anonymous ID: b154b6 March 4, 2019, 7:47 p.m. No.5513010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3070 >>3089 >>3127 >>3176


Beatles, Stones the entire '60's invasion what TAVISTOCK MIND CONTROL


It was called the “British Invasion” . The 60’s began a time of “question authority”, grow your hair long, hippies and flower power and morphed in with the Anti War gang of “hell no we won’t go!”


All by design, all by planning to mind control and manipulate what the Baby Boomer (Doomer) generation thought, the language and slang used and the behavior control of the masses.


Yes, it is interesting to note that the Tavistock Institute of Human Relation, as well as, it’s child organization: The Stanford Research Institute, developed The Grateful Dead, among other things.

You can see that Alan Trist, a social engineer for the Tavistock Institute, became the shadow manager of the Dead. His father, Eric Trist, was one of the principle founding members of Tavistock.


It was part of the development of a dynamic psychological warfare model to be used on foreign and domestic populations, modeled, ultimately, on the Lord Gordon Riots in London and the Jacobin Terror of the French Revolution. The purpose was to mobilize mobs in ideological opposition to the state, as a mass destabilization operation. (Source)




Rebellion against society, let your hair grow…turn on, tune out, as millions of tabs of LSD appeared into the hippie scene from CIA laboratories and promotion provided by Harvard CIA asset, Timothy Leary and distribution aided by the likes of the Grateful Dead. (source)



The men buried in the think tanks and research institutions, whose names and faces are still not known to but a few people, made sure that the press played its part. Conversely, the media’s important role in not exposing the power behind the future cultural shocks made certain that the source of the crisis was never identified.


Thus was our society driven mad through psychological shocks and stress. “Driven mad” is taken from Tavistock’s training manual. From its modest beginnings in 1921, Tavistock was ready in 1966 to launch a major irreversible cultural revolution in America, which has not yet ended. The Aquarian Conspiracy is part of it.


The Beatles (good, bad boys) and the Stones (sympathy for the Devil) were two sides of a same coin that was minted by the Tavistock Institute to introduce a new generation to a new language and a new cultural upbringing around alleged freedoms to thing for yourself and liberties to take drugs and become counter-culture.


….and it was all manufactured. The lyrics form the Beatles, the covers for the Rolling Stones albums, their managers (or handlers) were all derived from the Tavistock Institute as is their name is for the control of “Human Behavior”

Anonymous ID: b154b6 March 4, 2019, 7:50 p.m. No.5513070   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3099 >>3176


>Yes, it is interesting to note that the Tavistock Institute of Human Relation, as well as," it’s child" organization: The Stanford Research Institute,