>What I say a class action lawsuit?
What did I say about a class action lawsuit?
>Why has NK out of the news cycle?
Why has NK dropped out of the news cycle
did about dropped
Now mirror those 3 words
Dropped about DID.
Yes, Q did drop crumbs about DID when he gave us the investigation into MKUltra. That is because DID Dissociative Identity Disorder is the condition that used to be called multiple personalities, which is Artificially Induced during MKUltra.
So why the cryptic hint? In context we are talking about nutcases who go and shoot people as "lone" gunmen. But we think MKUltra is to blame. Q also dropped about checking if these people had therapy before they committed their crimes.
THEN A BIG HUE AND CRY WENT UP about drugs, namely SSRIs and these were all at fault. Clowns made so much noise that everybody forgot the therapists. After all drugs don't order people to kill, therapists order people to kill. So who are these people? Where are these clinics?
If we find them we are probably also finding part of a network of clinics that Artificially Induce DID for crazy gunmen, Manchurian candidates, Hollywood Mind Control slaves, and a bunch of other blackhat ops.
Let's identify the people behind this so they can be charged. Many of them have military psyops background so that may lead to a nest of CIA blackops inside the military.