There was a limited-hangout of a human/pig chimera hybrid some months ago. This type of fuckery was supposed to be banned. I'd have to go digging for the sauce on this.
Another article was the wonder of growing human organs for transplant inside of pigs.
This is relevant to the shocking images that anons have found in the MKultra videos. That whole Jason Bourne thing was more of a documentary than a fantasy movie.
I think that once we have access, we'll find shit that we could not even imagine.
As many have now learned, the elites see us as cattle to be used and discarded like week-old bacon. When I was talking about this in the 1980s, nobody believed me.
We accept experimentation on lab rats and other "lower species" for the good of humans. Anons are discovering how the elites feel about us proles.
I cannot watch the MKUltra videos. Those that can and who can comment on them, thank you for your service.
My parents started torturing me right after birth. Tied up, beaten. No protection for children in 1963…