within the great [justice] halls of CANADA Inc. {database related? HAMMER db?}
>Jody Wilson-Raybould tried to prevent PMO tampering in judicial appointments
Roundup: Vetting judges? Oh noes! Posted on April 25, 2019
"Yesterday the Globe and Mail had a story about how the current government
will run potential judicial nominees through the Liberal party’s voter database
as part of the vetting process, which was followed by an analysis of how many
appointees were Liberal donors. This first came up weeks ago when yet another
Jody Wilson-Raybould-related leak revealed that she was trying to “depoliticize”
the appointment process by not providing certain information to PMO
when she passed along recommendations,
which is a problem
– not that it was framed that way.
This current story follows up on that, and has a few framing issues of its own."
DS CANADA Inc. at work to C.Y.A. see >>6343842
re: appears to be two sets of laws in this country (((their CLUB))) and NOT (((you))).
"Stories like this needlessly and baselessly{sic} erode public confidence in the judiciary. That's bad."
^^^^^CLUB Left: whats bad is GOOD, whats good is BAD; baselessly^^^^^ is he LIB recruiting?
<pic related, same sawz