Anonymous ID: 07a4cb March 5, 2019, 7:49 a.m. No.5518878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8909


>Question anons. Not trying to be a prick. Just being logical. How much of this shit going on RIGHT NOW was preventable has FISA dropped 6 months ago?


>“But then there were still dirty judges” So America knowing everything and military tribunals wouldn’t solve that problem?


couple of thoughts on this (am an american anon though living in the eu for a long time now):

  1. i think that it is now clear that we dont have the SC until RBG kick the bucket - and that, at the end of the day, is the body that will decide on the legitimacy of tribunals.

  2. globalists are losing ground in the eu and losing it quite quickly. a friendlier eu would be a plus when arrests start.

  3. optics and 2020 election cycle. during my more pessimistic moments, i suspect that all the major shit will hit the fan post 2020 election.

on the 3rd point, consider the case of Notch. why is he getting involved now? is it organic or planned? whichever it is, it has the effect of pushing a young generation of gamers in our direction and educating them on cabal fuckery. but it also engages them in the political process and raises the likelihood that they vote.


so this anon gets mixed messages from all the current signals. i think that some low-level (political) arrests may happen soon, but the heavy shit will be post 2020 election.