Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7 a.m. No.5518352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8364 >>8371 >>8384 >>8403 >>8446 >>8453 >>8459 >>8522 >>8558 >>8573 >>8581 >>8813 >>8912

DEVELOPING: Ocasio-Cortez and Chief of Staff Chakrabarti Could Face JAIL TIME for Their Federal Finance Law Violations


According to a complaint filed with the Federal Election Committee Monday (FEC), two PACs founded by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s top aide, Saikat Chakrabarti funneled over $ 1 million in political donations into two of his own private companies, reported the Washington Examiner.


So much for Ocasio-Cortez’s promise to reduce “dark money” in politics!


According to a complaint filed by government watchdog group National Legal and Policy Center, it appears Chakrabarti set up his two companies for the sole purpose of hiding how the donations were used.

Chakrabarti AND Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are in SERIOUS TROUBLE!

According to the Daily Caller Foundation AOC and her Chief of Staff may face serious JAIL TIME!

Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7:05 a.m. No.5518414   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Exposing Eric Holder’s Fast And Furious Obstruction Of Justice


Have they no shame? Just days before it was announced that documents regarding the Fast and Furious gun-running scandal were to be released after being hidden for 6 years under executive privilege, there was former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder responding to a question on Bill Maher’s show:


older’s obstruction of justice and lying to Congress were crimes that went unpunished, As Pep. Darrell Issa, who headed the House Oversight Committee during the Fast and Furious investigation, has noted.. But like the current scandals involving Hillary Clinton and Uranium One, pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, the corruption of the FISA court process by the FBI and DOJ to aid one party’s attempt to collude with the Russians to overturn a sitting president, Holder was not counting on a Trump election to expose his corruption:


Estimates peg the number of deaths as a direct result of the gun-running scheme — which evidence indicates was intentional — at a staggering 200 or more. In Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up, Townhall editor Katie Pavlich made the compelling case that former President Barack Obama and then-Attorney General Eric Holder Holder “did willfully and knowingly sanction the program in order to advance their anti-second amendment agenda.”…


“They (the new documents) will show what we already know. That Eric Holder was directly involved in the cover up. He is a lawyer and should be disbarred,” Rep. Issa said. “Eric Holder has systematically obstructed justice not just against the Senate and House but against the Terri family’s legitimate right to know. And then he lied to me personally about all the documents that were necessary to be fully compliant with our requests.”

Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.5518466   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Venezuela’s Rapist Maduro is Looking For a Savior, But His Saviors Want to Get Paid


Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro is lonely. His brother Jorge accompanied his vice president Delcy Rodriguez to Russia, meeting with Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Friends and former military generals are spanning the globe looking for friendly countries that might provide some refuge for Maduro, who is daily getting closer to overstaying his welcome as Maximum Leader in his own nation.


The problem isn’t sympathy. Vladimir Putin, the Saudis royals, and China’s Xi Jinping have plenty of sympathy for Maduro. But sympathy doesn’t pay back the $60 billion Venezuela owes Beijing, that’s being paid in oil. Sympathy doesn’t pay back Russia for years of military equipment.


All that money has been literally flushed down the toilet, because now Venezuela is dirt poor, unable to pay its own debts, and owes all its natural resources to its creditors. Maduro has plenty of other despots willing to pat him on the back, but they want to get paid before giving him a deal.


So Maduro has sent his minions around the world looking for a way to funnel cash, so that he can complete the rape of what in 1950 used to be the 4th richest nation on earth, and remained so well into the 1980s, while riding a golden parachute to his retirement villa.

Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7:17 a.m. No.5518533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Developing: Iraq to receive hundreds of captured ISIS fighters from Syria in coming hours


BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:00 P.M.) – Iraq will be receiving approximately 250 captured Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) fighters from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the coming hours, Al-Maaloumah News reported, citing a military expert from Baghdad.


The military expert Safaa al-Asam said the new batch of detained Islamic State terrorists will be extradited in the coming hours after an agreement was made with the Syrian Democratic Forces.


Asam said the majority of these captured Islamic State terrorists are Iraqi nationals; they will face trial inside the country.


“As many as 150 Islamic State militants surrendered to the Syrian Democratic Forces within the past few hours,” he told the news agency.


He would add that most of these ISIS fighters had entered Syria in 2017 after they suffered a devastating defeat

Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7:22 a.m. No.5518595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8813 >>8912

Andrew Wheeler Says He Will Implement Rule To Keep ‘Secret Science’ Out Of EPA


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Andrew Wheeler said the agency would “absolutely” move forward with a rule to keep so-called “secret science” out of the regulatory process.


“We are absolutely going to follow through with the science transparency rule,” Wheeler told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).


Pruitt proposed reversing EPA’s long-standing practice of relying on non-public scientific data in crafting rules in 2018. Republicans called such studies “secret science” and pointed out tens of billions of dollars in regulations have been based on non-public data.


Environmentalists and Democrats opposed the rule, arguing it would expose confidential health and business information — a charge that was largely rebutted by proponents. However, since Pruitt’s departure from EPA, the fate of the “secret science” rule has been unclear.


Wheeler said he was committed to finalizing transparency requirements for science EPA relies on to craft regulations.

Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.5518647   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrat Bill Would All But Abolish California Citizens’ Rights to Public Documents


Democrats’ demand Trump make public his tax returns and every email, letter, memo and whisper he ever uttered. On the other hand California Democrats are looking to protect. They prefer to protect the corruption of government. IN the case of SB 615 it is supposed to be about protecting cops. Read it carefully. It protects every corrupt deal made by Guv Brown, Mayor Garcetti and the connection between lobbyists and government.


“Under SB 615, however, fees would only be awarded in the impossible-to-meet-standard of a “knowing and willful” violation of the law. So, for example, a government official who responds to a request by saying, “I know state law requires a response within 10 days, but I am choosing to ignore that and will respond to you whenever I feel like it,” would qualify. For all other violations, the requester would be forced to pay tens of thousands of dollars in order to exercise their so-called right to access government records.


In other words, SB 615 would require anyone requesting information to bear the cost of forcing the government to comply with its own transparency law.

Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7:32 a.m. No.5518691   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge denies expedited consideration in lawsuit of Alabama ISIS bride


A request for a judge to consider the case of an Alabama ISIS bride’s citizenship on an emergency basis was denied in federal court Monday, attorneys said.


The woman, Hoda Muthana, left the United States to join ISIS in Syria in 2014. She’s been begging to return home with her young child, saying she regrets joining ISIS. On Feb 21, a lawsuit asking the court to recognize her citizenship was filed after the Trump administration said she has “no legal basis” to claim citizenship.


The judge’s denial means she won’t be able to immediately leave a refugee camp in Syria and fight her citizenship claim inside the U.S., AP reported. But Judge Reggie Walton did say the 24-year-old woman’s lawyer made a “valid argument” for her right to citizenship during a hearing Monday.


“The judge said the potential harms are too speculative. The judge said there’s no reason not to treat this as a normal case,” attorney John Eastman of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence told Monday.


The U.S. says Muthana is not a citizen because her father was a Yemeni diplomat at the time of her birth in New Jersey. Her lawyers argue he was no longer a diplomat at the time.

Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7:36 a.m. No.5518739   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Slouching Toward Green New Deal, Some Republicans Flip-Flop On Climate Change


Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) used to forcefully fight against climate change fanatics. Now he says, “It’s just not worth the fight anymore.” Such surrender is spreading among Republican and conservative ranks. ⁃ TN Editor


Representative John Shimkus once issued a forceful rejection of climate science at a congressional hearing, invoking the Bible and declaring that “Earth will end only when God declares it’s time to be over.”


Last month, in a turnabout, the Illinois Republican signed onto a letter with the top Republican of the House Energy and Commerce Committee that said “prudent steps should be taken to address current and future climate risks.”


“It’s just not worth the fight anymore,” Shimkus said in an interview when asked about his changing stance on climate change. “Let’s just see what we can do to address it and not hurt the economy.”


Shimkus is among a number of Republicans who — after years of sowing doubt about climate change or ignoring it altogether — are scrambling to confront the science they once rejected. They are planning hearings on the issue, pledging to invest in technologies to mitigate its impact and openly talking about the need for taking action.


The shift in posture follows the public’s growing anxiety after catastrophic hurricanes, flooding and wildfires linked to global warming. Fully 74 percent of registered voters think global warming is happening and 67 percent said they are worried it, according to polling conducted by Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. Among conservative Republicans, just 42 percent think global warming is happening but that is up five percentage points since a poll taken in 2017.

Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7:40 a.m. No.5518765   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8813 >>8912

U.S. Post Office Spying On Everyone Who Sends Mail


The U.S. Post Office is a loose cannon when it comes to spying on Americans: it answers to no-one and can perform warrantless collection of data on every single piece of mail. Furthermore, it can and will give any data to other federal agencies who request it. ⁃ TN Editor


It’s called the “Mail Cover Program” and it’s run by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Yes, even the Post Office is spying on us, writes John Kiriakou.


You may remember that last year some nut was arrested for mailing bombs to prominent Democrats, media outlets, and opponents of Donald Trump. Less than a week after the bombs went out, a suspect was arrested. Almost immediately, video turned up of him at a Trump rally, wearing a “Make America Great Again” hate and chanting for the camera. He was soon tried, convicted, and jailed. End of story.


But it wasn’t the end of the story. The investigation into the bomb incidents focused attention on an almost unknown federal surveillance program—one that poses a direct threat to the privacy and constitutional rights of every American. It’s called the “Mail Cover Program” and it’s run by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). Yes, even the Post Office is spying on us.


The Mail Cover Program allows postal employees to photograph and send to federal law enforcement organizations (FBI, DHS, Secret Service, etc.) the front and back of every piece of mail the Post Office processes. It also retains the information digitally and provides it to any government agency that wants it—without a warrant.

Anonymous ID: 64674e March 5, 2019, 7:48 a.m. No.5518859   🗄️.is 🔗kun

102 narcos give themselves up


With one police jeep in front and another behind, four buses brought 102 yaba godfathers and dealers to Teknaf Model Primary School from Cox's Bazar Police Lines around 9:00am yesterday.


Later around 11:45am, they were taken to Teknaf Pilot School where all was set for a surrender ceremony. They entered the venue walking on foot under heavy police protection, waving at the crowd.


Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan and Inspector General of Police Mohammad Javed Patwary received them with flowers while thousands of locals, waiting there since 8:00am, broke into applause.