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QAnon book climbs Amazon chart

By Brett Samuels - 03/04/19 10:04 PM EST


A book detailing the QAnon conspiracy has made its way up the best-seller charts on Amazon, appearing as the No. 1 book in the censorship category as of Monday night.


"QAnon: An invitation to the Great Awakening," is climbing the website's best-seller lists. The book was listed as the No. 8 best-seller in the politics category as of Monday night.


NBC News, which first reported on the book's placement on the Amazon charts, reported that the book received an algorithmic boost from product recommendations. The book, written by an anonymous author, averaged 4.5 stars and has been flooded with positive reviews.


Amazon did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill about the book's placement on the best-seller list.


QAnon made its way into the spotlight last year after numerous attendees at President Trump's rallies held Q-shaped cutouts and posters alluding to the conspiracy theory.


The wide-ranging and vague conspiracy theory touches on a number of false allegations, including that Democrats and prominent Hollywood figures are orchestrating underground pedophile rings; special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe is a front for investigating 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and former President Obama for their ties to said rings; and hundreds of sealed indictments may have already been handed down in the Clinton case.


The theory was started by a person on the message board 4chan last year claiming to be a high-ranking security official in the Trump administration.


Reddit last September banned a forum dedicated to the QAnon conspiracy theory, saying users repeatedly violated its content policies.