What's up with the notable suggesting Gorka is Q? All of the replies were strongly in support with no dissenting opinions, which is odd since the majority of anons think Gorka is a douche. We're watching you faggots
Lately it's been taking images forever to enlarge when I click on them. Is this happening for anyone else?
There's one simple test anons can perform to determine if his intentions are legit. Does the book cover Q's posts regarding Israel and Mossad? If not, then we know what Joe M is really trying to do with the book
Thanks, anon. I'm curious to know what the book says about it. Nice dubs
Okay, the book calls out the vatican, which is good, even if it's already known by normies that the vatican is tainted. Please share what the book says about Israel if/when you find it
And he calls out Posobiec and Cernovich as fake MAGA. That's promising.
Some anons would say similar shit about Corsi before Q outed him. The book looks promising so far, but you should never be certain that a namefag is legit
The shills are pushing Gorka for whatever reason today. Keep calling them out, but I wouldn't take their "logic" too seriously
JQ - Only Losers Support Israel