yup and I look full retard to wife kids and extended family because of this shit show.
Their mission was successful. Make the deplorables even more so.
yup and I look full retard to wife kids and extended family because of this shit show.
Their mission was successful. Make the deplorables even more so.
Q may be real in some form but he/she/they have delivered nothing as promised. Trump just covertly embraces/references this BS and the sheep follow.
I am no lawyer and could prosecute Hildawg with shit I can find online.
No reason to keep her on the streets. NONE
Controls the senate my ass.
Say that to Collins, Paul, Mukowski, Romney, Tilis, Alexander, McConnell, Rubio etc etc.
They are all swamp and do not like Trump, period.
If trump vetos the emergency dec cancellation bill, he's toast.