Pitchman ID: c71a06 CPAK NeoCons and Your Rights March 6, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.5542515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#MAGA, #Q, #Qanon, #GreatAwakening: The display at #CPAC should frighten all #CitizenPatriots. #WakeUp, #PayToPlay (Dragging Canoe… ect.) was on full display.


Banning Conservative voices totally exposed the Globalist NeoCon’s as leading the #CulturalMarxist LEFT in the war on free speech.


#WWG1WGA: Brothers/ Sisters - Patriots why is @POTUS catering them?


Word is Trump will use defending YOUR 1st Amendment Rights as a platform for his 2020 bid. THINK ABOUT THAT. Does he realize his base is being silenced? Does he truly care?


If the @POTUS is so tepid in regard to your constitutional GOD GIVEN RIGHTS that he would use protecting them, 4 years out, as a platform, how dedicated is he to our Constitutional Republic?


"When deeds speak, words are nothing." - African Proverb


Remember General Wesley Clark's warning of 7 ME Countries to be invaded aft, 911?


All Americans (esp, conservatives, moderates, constitutionalist, libertarians & moderate Dems) must realize, as POTUS says, “AMERICA WILL NEVER BE A SOCIALIST COUNTRY”, knowingly or not, he is aligning himself with the Neo Conservative Trotskyites! They’re called RINO's (Republicans In Name Only) for a reason. They’re socialist who believe in GLOBAL REVOLUTION/ WAR until world wide socialism is achieved; in reality a Fascist One World Neo-Feudal Government with their Oligarchs at the top.


”Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” -Voltaire


Make no mistake the NeoCon’s goal of One World ‘socialist’ Govt. is in complete alignment with @POTUS44 & @HillaryClinton's, Alinskyite - Cultural Marxist who are working to bring down the country from within.


Trump rode in on a wave, he is not the wave. You are the news caster now; speak plainly and demand the President defend the Constitution, thus the American people, now!