Mar 4 2019 18:54:45 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e22e71 No.5508181 📁
Mar 4 2019 18:54:04 (EST)
SJAH_X-830198374 [-48]
D Fire_Good
Location assist_Good
Assist P_193
Attempted decode - doesn't align with the internet routing theory but hey, double meanings exist.
Search of MGL = MAssachusetts General Laws
Search of 193 = Section 17C Establishment of 25-miles-per-hour speed limit in thickly settled or business district in city or town – specifically Boston. >CHANGE ROUTE
Search of Boston News = Yesterday at 4:43 pm, Boston Fire Dept responds to a level 2 HAZMAT (10 -23) chemical spill on floor 10 of 20 Shattuck st – Floors 9, 10, & 11 were evacuated. >D FIRE_GOOD
Search of 20 Shattuck st = Brigham and Women’s Hospital Tower Building also the only building that has more than 4 floors.
Floors 6-10 are cardiovascular patients. Floor 11 is all private Pavilion rooms.
Anything else special about this hospital?
#1 Floor 3 houses a Kraft Blood Donor Center (Jupiter FL Spa Arrest)
#2 Dr. Daniel Kuritzkes, Chief of infectious disease at the hospital is quoted in every article regarding the 2nd cured HIV patient (even though he was not involved in any way).
Some kind of OP went down there yesterday evening – the questions is WHO.