Before the current President of the United States, Donald J. Trump was President, he had the world on a string.
He was beloved by the masses, the rich, the powerful, and the famous.
That all changed the day Mr. Donald J. Trump stepped off the escalator with his lovely wife to announce his candidature for the highest office in the land.
After this day, he became a taget for ridicule and hate in forums, publications, and broadcasts world wide.
Worse of than that, after he became president he came a target of inquiry and assassination.
The man left a life of fame and riches, to help the country that had helped him achieve the level of success he had achieve.
His reward for that was assassination attempts and slander.
Yet he shoulders on, working for the people who make up the country he loves.
He bears the slings and arrows gladly, in an attempt to help the coal worker, the Iowan farmer, Californian fire victim, and the average worker.
Thank you Mr. President.
God bless.