>Can't argue with Christian deconstructionists inspired (unwittingly) by Frankfurt school of socialists and other luciferians.
the point that you are responding to has exactly no fucking relationship at all to the Frankfurt school.
(((your))) criticisms of christianity are fucking fake.
sure, critical theory had an impact on 20th century christianity. primarily via B B Warfield who spent time in germany and was very interested in higher critical theory. he took that shit back to princeton and it infected much of christianity.
but it hasnt anything at all to do with the virgin birth directly.
it has to do with radicalizing how texts are interpreted. the result has been a false dichotomy between the fundies that want a strictly literal hermenuetic and progs that want pure metaphor. these i would agree are control mechanisms.
there is a middle path (just like the one we are following politically at the moment - neither D nor R). its an augustinian path and that approach to interpretation avoids all the bullshit.
read moar shill.