Think for yourself anons
Unless its about 5g israel wilbur ross william barr the plan
Think for yourself anons
Unless its about 5g israel wilbur ross william barr the plan
Its hard to run a first world country when the people who run the cpuntry mass import the third world
Wheres the wall faggot
Remember when potius said calling out aipac is anti semetic
I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers
That explains why people say adonai
That along with israel saved for last is how anyone who isnt a retard knows that Q is a larp psyop
Trust the plan goy
Good goy
Trust the plan goy
5g and mass immigration is great
Ignore everything potus says cuz mub optics
Yes Q the masons and the cia and and all the societies just have some bad apples
Go back to reddit you cia nigger
Who broke daniel
How about we be concerned about why Q thinks that warrantless spying is,perfectly fine lmao
Neocon psyop