Anonymous ID: f8dc17 March 5, 2019, 3:55 p.m. No.5526998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7069


“the acting US Attorney whose office generated the Awan indictment is Channing D. Phillips, who was appointed to that position in October of 2015. Phillips’ background, from his official bio, would make one believe he’s a pretty loyal Democrat…


Mr. Phillips has been serving as the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia since October 19, 2015 pursuant to the Attorney General’s appointment authority and subsequently by an Order of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia. Mr. Phillips’ confirmation is pending with the United States Senate.


Mr. Phillips formerly served as counselor to the Attorney General, and also served as the Executive Director for the Attorney General’s Diversity Management Advisory Council and was the day-to-day coordinator for diversity-management issues within the Department and the Department’s primary contact for external agencies on these issues.


If you noticed that Phillips has never undergone a Senate confirmation, you win a prize. Why he wasn’t asked to resign along with the rest of the Obama US Attorneys is a hell of a question; our guess is that was a political fight Trump decided not to have.


And if the name Channing Phillips rings a bell, it’s because his father was placed in nomination for president at the 1968 Democrat National Convention and received 68 votes, making him the first black American ever to have been in the presidential nomination game at a major party convention.”