>>5527309 pb
>>5527211 pb
>>5527222 pb
>>5527238 pb
>>5527268 pb
>>5527297 pb
>>5527391 pb
another hint that the bavarian soviet republic of 1919 is the missing link is that q pretty much confirmed that NWO = natural economic order (in german), which is a theory proposed by Silvio Gessel, a member of the Bavarian soviet republic of 1919.
as for the holocaust, nothing was faked, at least in terms of the atrocities done against Jews and Roma people, don't fall for the "revisionist" shills, I know people who had family members who went through this shit. Research the claims that debunk their claims, there are plenty. the mass murder was planned, probably it was their plan to create a mass exodus of jews to the british mandate or somewhere else. Notice the Roths and Soros (a nazi collaborator) hide under the jewish banner. They knew that a holocaust event will cause a narrative shift towards political correctness and banning "hate speach" as a preventative step against mass murder, meaning you can't criticize anyone (especially not the rulers, and no the rulers are not "the jews", as q said it isn't about religion or race and that evil is boundryless). Everything has a reason, and it is meant to benefit the global rulers.