ok Nadler.
cool poison pill. U faggots keep trying to make memes that include jew truthers in ur laundry list of shill tactics… its called the poison pill and it wont work on the JQ - Q Came here for a reason.
Try harder mossad.
reeeeee harder mossad
What’s that have to do with Q directly calling out Israel and Mossad??
why do u faggots get so worked up when anyone posts about jews? U dont do this shit when anons post about catholics, muzzies, masons or any other group.
U glow so bright to anyone with a brain. Q told us mossad is deloying all methods to subvert the board. What content will mossad be most triggered by? The JQ u faggots.
cabal is short for the occult following the jewish cabbalah.