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Mystery surrounds Sessions appointee to FBI investigation
Questions surround the work of U.S. Attorney John Huber, who is playing a key role in one of the multiple investigations surrounding President Trump and the Justice Department.
The benefit of the Sessions arrangement, said legal scholar Jonathan Turley, is that it could allow for the expedition of any criminal inquiries at a point in the inspector general investigation where Horowitz would normally need help from a U.S. attorney. (Turley is an opinions contributor for The Hill.)
Supporters of the arrangement say that the selection of Huber — as a U.S. attorney appointed under two administrations working outside of the Beltway — will inject confidence in whatever conclusions he reaches about the need for further investigation or prosecution.
“I think it’s an inspired choice,” said Paul Cassell, a former federal judge who both heard cases that Huber was prosecuting and later litigated against Huber as an attorney. “However this thing comes out, one side or the other will be convinced that the fix was in. You need to find somebody that has respect from both parties and someone who is outside the ordinary political process.”