Anonymous ID: 0834ca March 5, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.5531860   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Could be Generation X. Could also be a person.

Could also be a hint at the symbolism. Some intriguing results on the guided missile destroyer's search engine. (ddg)


For some reason, that skull comes from an ebay site under these search terms.

Anonymous ID: 0834ca March 5, 2019, 8:37 p.m. No.5532227   🗄️.is 🔗kun


When the agenda is to destroy the world by deceiving the masses to praise it as salvation, how do you save the world?


When you look into Agenda 2030 and the various environmental ideas it has, the entire thing restructures society into a top-down managed system. Society is broken up into population districts. All land and water is treated as a managed resource that is merely tended by its "owners." Urban/apartment living is subsidized while property ownership is strictly controlled both in terms of who can own property but also what that property can be used for.


Population reduction is expected, and depending upon whose version you are reading, tax incentives/penalties for reproducing exist. Business and finance is restructured under the carbon credit platform. It is effectively a new currency as each government is tasked with administering fines to businesses which exceed their available carbon credits. Carbon credits are issued to companies, research groups, etc deemed to be "green" and are then allowed to trade these carbon credits on the market - effectively making them a global currency and giving the Federal Reserve, positioned to administer the program, direct authority to decide who and what gets funding as if it were a government.


That last part is key to understand.


Now, I also believe the second stage of all of this is carbon sequestration and stripping the atmosphere of CO2, which will force almost all crops into specialized facilities. The consequence of this is that the world becomes a global grassland/tundra and living outside of human colonies is next to impossible. Travel is safe, but food production heavily controlled/regulated. This makes a rebellion against the system or any life apart from the system impossible.


Of course, the entire thing would be spun in the media and schools as the consequences of overpopulation and "humans destroyed the planet." The real scientists would know it was all a lie, but real scientists have tried to fight against all manner of misinformation in the age of the internet and social media to no avail. People see what they expect to see before anything else. If they were raised to believe science told everyone that humans would destroy the world, and the world was destroyed - scientists trying to argue against that explanation would be up against a nearly impossible system. Further - that is a nice paycheck they have. It would be a shame if something were to happen to it in a world where everyone rents and would literally starve to death if they walked off to build a cabin to farm.


AOC seems to be turning their narrative against them. If she eventually outs herself as part of that agenda, then I will be against her - but I don't see her, as an individual as a threat. There is a lot of depth to defend through before she can really be a major threat. She's not going to be able to suddenly put a dagger in our back.