Keep telling yourself that, you’ll eventually believe your own narrative. You have nothing, this is all you have left and nothing stops what it coming.
Hurry, switch over to shite jidf memes.
Look up how many were democrats.
Missed your trips faggot.
Shills are fuk’d and they know it. All this for a 16 month old larp, kek.
>muh cry moar
When’s the last beheading you saw Israel do? Does Israel use women and children as human shields? Has islam ever committed human trafficking?
>Muh mos
>Muh mos. muh based. Friendly reminder to you.
Try harder mb. How do you treat women?
john brennan and ilhan omar are connected to the mb and are traitors, correct? And adam schitt is a traitor as well? Let’s find some common ground.