Anonymous ID: 3fc0d4 March 5, 2019, 7:56 p.m. No.5531556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1576 >>1625 >>2113


based = muhjoo


the muhjoo shills are making a lot of noise

even making extra effort to bake in JQ fake and gay notables now every day

its the death rattle of their fake narrative

good riddance

NOW just a DEAD CAT BOUNCE trying so recover and survive - NOPE

NSA recorded the muhjoo chatlogs:

hey POTUS and Q told us to BTFO

so what shall we do?

lets post moar JQ bullshit and claim POTUS is a crypto jew

and also lets post fake history

and also lets posts new and exotic theories that make no sense

lets double and triple down on the same bullshit

oh and make sure one of gets a bake session every day and includes our fake and gay lies


comms clear?

Anonymous ID: 3fc0d4 March 5, 2019, 7:59 p.m. No.5531625   🗄️.is 🔗kun


AND OH BTW - JQ at 40K ft is legit and critical = what is the role of jews in human history?

the jews are evil narrative is complete BS

jews are a unique and highly capable group of people - thus they are used by both good and evil forces

this is why the BS narrative stays alive

it has some truth in it but not what they say (a CON)

what they say is designed solely to deflect attention from those HIRING all the jews

OH one more thing - why does POTUS love and trust Jews and hire them and partner with them? becuase he knows they mean business - they play hardball BUT dont seek revenge and they dont fuck people over unless they have to - they preferred The Art of The Deal long before POTUS wrote his book

Anonymous ID: 3fc0d4 March 5, 2019, 8:31 p.m. No.5532138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2142 >>2185


welcome page you say? OK


some faggot posted this from the Q R. Board welcome message: As for the JQ, if you think we're all anti-semites, research our claims of jewish supremacy in media/gov./finance/entertainment before weighing in. How else do you think we came to our ideas? Do you think Q would choose a collection of idiots who have an ideology of hating people for no reason?

The gist of the post was Q has somehow endorsed the JQ and the prevailing attitude of BO, BV's and many /pol and 8chan vets - yes we all know their position and they have endorsed and adopted the concept that Jews and Judaism are evil. And since Q "chose" to post here Q therefore also supports this position

Not at all - Q chose this Board for a reason all right - but not that one - this is the same as proposing Q came here for the bewbs, or Q came here cuz 8chan has anime and lollies and robooty porn - no one claims that - so how and why does this so called JQ get a pass? Cuz the above noted group says so thats why - and they are dead wrong.

There is an obvious reason Q chose this forum - there were NO OTHER OPTIONS to inform and create a digital army - what other options are there? Start his own website or forum? Cant do that - cant use govt money and would have to conceal ownership and ops of the site which is trouble and risk - not to mention the fact that it would start with ZERO base or usage. NO not an option.

How about existing forums and media? Youtube, FB. Twitter, Instagram, Redditt? NOT an option - we all know what happens when anons post THE PLAN and PRO POTUS sutff there - censored - not to mention NONE of those are setup as an image board - these being a critical part of the Q crumbs - which also rules out GAB and VOAT (assuming no censorship there?)

NO - 8chan is the ONLY forum that has robust imaging, zero censorship, and a large and savvy digital user base. That is why it was chosen and why is succeeded.