Anonymous ID: 7a4c99 March 5, 2019, 8:05 p.m. No.5531728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1762

Bill Binney, the former Technical Director of the NSA, and Larry Johnson, formerly of the CIA, wrote the article reprinted below. In a sane nation, it would have been published widely in prominent media, discussed, and debated. Binney and Johnson would have been immediately contacted by Special Counsel Mueller, because what they have written destroys the entire narrative of Russian cyberwar to swing the 2016 election to Donald Trump. Congress would be beating down their doors to learn more. In a sane nation, people would be pursuing truth based on scientific proofs. That is not the nation of the present. In our view, to reassert its sanity, the nation must now demand that Robert Mueller refute, beyond a reasonable doubt, what is presented by Binney and Johnson. That is the resounding demand which must meet the specious fake report he is about to present to the Attorney General.

Bill Binney and members of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity published a study back in 2017 showing that Guccifer 2.0, the online persona who first claimed responsibility for the DNC hack, was a fabrication. Their study was based on a metadata analysis of the documents released by Guccifer 2.0. The metadata gave evidence that the files were downloaded at speeds consistent with, and in a manner consistent with copying to a thumb drive or a storage device, rather than through an internet hack. As a result, the President or someone close to him asked Mike Pompeo, at that time the head of the CIA, to meet with Binney. Binney demonstrated to Pompeo that the President was being systematically lied to by the intelligence agencies about the Russian cyberwar, election-meddling fable, which has now been used to cripple the Trump Presidency for over two years. Binney offered to assist in an investigation to unearth the truth as to the perpetrators of the lie, but he never heard a word back thereafter. When Patrick Lawrence reported on the VIPS study in The Nation (which has since prepended a long editorial note), his journalistic career came under sustained attack, as did the VIPS study more generally.

Now Binney has examined the metadata of the actual DNC files published by WikiLeaks and demonstrated that they are also consistent with transfer to a thumb drive or a storage device rather than a Russian internet-based hack. Although this story has received some attention (as on the Gateway Pundit and ZeroHedge), it must receive the broadest possible circulation.

Unlike the claims by the intelligence community and Mueller, this analysis by Binney and Johnson is a public, verifiable forensic analysis of the Wikileaks releases, which established that Hillary Clinton was attempting to rig the Democratic primaries against Bernie Sanders and that Hillary Clinton was a craven pawn of Wall Street. Both the Obama Administration's January 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment and Robert Mueller’s indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents for perpetrating the hacks of the DNC and John Podesta, rely on findings (lacking available supporting data) reported by CrowdStrike, a private firm, heavily linked to the war hawks in the Atlantic Council and the Democratic National Committee. As is well known, the FBI never examined the DNC computers or the computer of John Podesta and instead adopted the analysis of the DNC vendor, CrowdStrike, to make claims of the highest possible impact on the national security of the citizens of the United States. As former NSA Technical Director Binney knows and states publicly, if the Russian hack occurred as the intelligence community assessments and Robert Mueller claim, the NSA would have been able to trace it and attribute it specifically as to times and places. This has never happened, simply because the hacking scenario advocated by Mueller and the Obama intelligence community never happened.

Please read and circulate this article and demand its publication in your local newspaper and on social media. If properly followed up, it can upend the coup and send to jail those responsible for attempting to overthrow the legitimate government of the United States, the one the voters elected in 2016. And this is a matter of war and peace, because the Russian hack false narrative is a central element in fomenting a new and very dangerous Cold War between the United States and Russia. This article must achieve the widest circulation possible prior to Mueller delivering his fictional report.


“Why the DNC Was Not Hacked by the Russians”

By William Binney, former Technical Director, NSA and Larry Johnson, former State CT and CIA.


Original publication…