Q can we just nuke California?
fuck the jews . whatcha gonna do? fuck jew shills and fuck islam
who jews?
Qs job isnt to fix education . You fix it, it starts with family and educatuon you fucking moron
dont expect Q to handle the small shit that you have the power to do, but wont bc you are lazy
moosad controlled oposition
ayyye its a tribute to 8chan .
this young wigger is based
hey . its a free counry and a free market, people can do whatever they want when opportunity presents its self dont like it, dont buy it . there is nothing that you can do about it and wtf do you think Q would do? nothing, he doenst care
the fools buying it, thats on them but if you have been here long enough, you will know . better .
whats wrong with documenitng this moevement? how is this any differnet than people like the praying medic taking donations for his work?
BUZZ OFF and let it be .
shits old af
yeah…..fuck that scam