Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.5533102   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3364 >>3437 >>3497 >>3625 >>3794

Ilhan Omar Has a Point


In early 2015, as the Obama administration was deep into negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program, Republican House Speaker John Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who stridently opposed the deal, to address a joint session of Congress. The speech itself, which was intended to convince Congress to scuttle the agreement, turned out to be a dud. Instead of shaming Democrats into opposing the deal, Bibi seemed to unify them in support of it. But the public spectacle of a foreign leader attempting to undermine the American president on U.S. soil at the request of his political adversaries was symbolically striking. Later, polling would show that GOP voters generally felt more warmly about Netanyahu than their actual commander in chief. “Republicans haven’t just rejected Obama. They have adopted Netanyahu as their leader,” Slate’s Will Saletan wrote at the time.


“Does a majority of the Republican Party identify more with Israeli interests than with American interests?” he continued. “When Israel’s prime minister speaks on the floor of Congress, do Republicans feel more allegiance to him than to their president? If so, will the feeling subside once Obama leaves office? Or does it signify an enduring rift in the fabric of this country?”


I’ve found myself thinking about Netanyahu’s speech, and its troubling optics, again this week in light of the most recent fury over Rep. Ilhan Omar, who for the second time in a month has stumbled into a controversy over anti-Semitism and Israel.


Back in February, the freshman from Minnesota, who is one of the first two Muslim women ever elected to Congress, issued a public apology after being widely criticized for tweeting that U.S. support for the Jewish state was “all about the Benjamins baby”—a comment that, even if unintentionally, pretty bluntly evoked well-worn stereotypes about Jewish influence and money in politics. “Anti-Semitism is real and I am grateful for Jewish allies and colleagues who are educating me on the painful history of anti-Semitic tropes,” Omar wrote amid the backlash. But at a bookstore event in Washington last week, she managed to kick the outrage cycle back into gear. After telling the crowd that critics were accusing her of anti-Semitism in order to snuff out debate about Israel’s human rights record, she said, “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 9:52 p.m. No.5533121   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3143 >>3167 >>3612

Psychopathy Checklist- the test that predicts psychopathy – Raniere scores higher than Jeffrey Dahmer


PCLR developed by Robert D Hare PhD

Rate 0 to 2.

0 does not apply

1 somewhat

2 fully applies

1 Impression management

2 grandiose sense of self worth

3 stimulation seeking

4 pathologial lying

5 manipulation for personal gain

6 lack of remorse

7 shallow effect

8 callous/lacking empathy

9 parasitic orientation

[In the emotional dimension, psychopathy is characterized by callousness and lack of empathy, failure to accept responsibility, shallow emotion, and lack of guilt or remorse. Regarding life management, psychopaths lack realistic life goals, have a parasitic orientation and are impulsive while seeking stimulation.]

10 poor anger tolerance

11 impersonal sexual behavior

12 early behavior problems

13 lacks goals

14 impulsivity

15 irresponsibility

16 failure to accept responsibility

17 unstable interpersonal relationships

18 serious criminal behavior

19 serious violation of conditional release

20 criminal versatility

Jeffrey Dahmer scored a 22.

Ted Bundy scored a 32.

When I scored Keith, I came up with a score of 36.

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 9:59 p.m. No.5533200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3227 >>3364 >>3497 >>3625 >>3794

Blood Money: Meet the Top 20 Companies Profiting From Endless War


Military spending is growing around the world and in 2017 it increased by 1.1 percent, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.


U.S. arms expenditures rose by $9.6 billion, driving the global rise and further consolidating the status of the United States as the world’s top spender on the military–by far.


The U.S. spending on war is rooted in post-World War II “new Pentagon capitalism” that eventually became known as the military-industrial complex.


The model, revolutionized by then-Army Chief of Staff and later President Dwight D. Eisenhower, ensured that the United States’ scientific research, technological and industrial capacity would become “organic parts of our military structure” in conditions of national emergency, effectively giving the civilian economy a dual-use purpose. The model eventually gave birth to the sprawling military-civilian economic base, or “military-industrial complex,” that Eisenhower famously criticized in his 1961 farewell address to the nation.


Civilian industry, science, and academia were used alongside an exorbitant and perpetually-expanding war budget to underwrite the Defense Department’s never-ending state of conflict with Cold War enemies, making the world safe for the unchallenged reign of the United States while “pump-priming” the U.S. economy whenever additional surges of “military Keynesian” spending by Washington was required.


The main beneficiary of the model has been the U.S. defense industry. The U.S. is now home to five of the world’s top 10 large military contractors, with U.S.-based companies accounting for 57 percent of total arms sales by the top 100 large defense contractors worldwide, according to SIPRI data analyzed by USA Today.


Companies such as Lockheed Martin, which made $44.9 billion in arms sales in 2017, enjoy revenue from the U.S. government alone that totals more than the combined annual budgets of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Meanwhile, a number of other companies across the globe have raked in handsome profits from the global trade in arms, many of which are used to commit horrific atrocities and crimes against humanity in such battlegrounds as Yemen.


According to a new analysis of SIPRI data by 24/7 Wall St, the following companies made the most money from governments’ addiction to war-spending and the demand for arms in conflict zones all over the world:

  1. Textron


Country: United States

Arms sales: $4.1 billion

Total sales: $14.2 billion

Profit: $1.2 billion

Main Products: Armored vehicles, unmanned aircraft, and attack helicopters.

  1. Naval Group


Country: France

Arms sales: $4.1 billion

Total sales: $4.2 billion

Profit: $36.5 million

Main Products: Naval defense systems, warships and submarines.

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:03 p.m. No.5533252   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3364 >>3497 >>3625 >>3794

'Call It the Oppression of the Supermajority': Americans Eager for Bold Change, So Why Can't They Get It?


"Entire categories of public policy options are effectively off-limits because of the combined influence of industry groups and donor interests," argues law professor Tim Wu


Most Americans support Medicare for All, higher taxes on the rich, a Green New Deal, and other major items on the progressive agenda—so why has Congress failed to enact them?


The reason, Columbia University Law School professor Tim Wu argued in an op-ed for the New York Times on Tuesday, is that the influence of corporations and the donor class on the American political system has drowned out the policy desires of the public.


"In our era, it is primarily Congress that prevents popular laws from being passed or getting serious consideration. (Holding an occasional hearing does not count as 'doing something')," Wu wrote. "Entire categories of public policy options are effectively off-limits because of the combined influence of industry groups and donor interests."


To bolster his argument, Wu rattled off a number of policies that—despite polling extremely well among large, bipartisan swaths of the American public—have not garnered enough support among lawmakers to pass Congress.


"About 75 percent of Americans favor higher taxes for the ultra-wealthy. The idea of a federal law that would guarantee paid maternity leave attracts 67 percent support," Wu noted. "Eighty-three percent favor strong net neutrality rules for broadband, and more than 60 percent want stronger privacy laws. Seventy-one percent think we should be able to buy drugs imported from Canada, and 92 percent want Medicare to negotiate for lower drug prices. The list goes on."

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:06 p.m. No.5533282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3285 >>3364 >>3497 >>3625 >>3794

US threatens ‘secondary sanctions’ against those who refuse to back its Venezuela coup


With the vast majority of the world still seeing Nicolas Maduro as the legitimate leader of Venezuela, America’s hawkish special envoy has hinted that Washington might sanction third parties that defy the US regime-change efforts.


The international community must choose sides wisely in the Venezuelan conflict, the curator of US intervention in the Latin American country, special envoy Elliott Abrams, suggested on Tuesday, noting that Washington would not limit itself to economic sanctions just against the Maduro government, but against all who chose to support him.


“Secondary sanctions, it’s clearly a possibility,” Abrams said at a press conference, warning that a decision to sanction third party countries “would depend on the conduct of the [Venezuelan] regime over time.”


So far some 54 countries have bowed to US pressure and recognized the self-proclaimed ‘interim president’ Juan Guaido, who since January has been rallying support for regime change. Whilst the US claims the “momentum is good” to get more countries on board, the majority of the world’s countries and population rejected Washington’s “imperialist” ambitions, Colin Cavell, associate professor of political science at Bluefield State College, told RT.


The US administration is “internationalizing the Venezuelan conflict on a very dangerous basis… threatening other countries who deal with Venezuela, saying that if you do not support our sanctions, we are going to impose sanctions on you,” Cavell explained.


The Trump administration is forcing its allies and other countries to choose: are you to support this aggressively attempted coup to overthrow the elected government of Venezuela or are you going to go and support this government that the United States does not like.


Sanctioning governments across the globe for backing Maduro over Guaido not only violates the international law but highlights the brazen interference of the US in the affairs of a sovereign nation. Furthermore, the academic believes, the US administration seems to be acting under the assumption that “if there’s more pain on the Venezuelan people” then they will rise up and “overthrow” their government.


“Three-quarters of the world's countries are siding with the elected government, the democratic government of Venezuela and that includes the largest countries in the world, China and Russia,” Cavell concluded. “So despite what Donald Trump says internally to keep in power domestically, the world is watching very closely this imperial aggression in Venezuela.”

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:09 p.m. No.5533312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3364 >>3445 >>3497 >>3625 >>3794

‘It will be bigger’: Orban warns of SECOND migrant crisis, says Hungary is ‘ready’


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has warned that the 2015 migrant crisis – which saw millions of migrants pour into Europe – was just the beginning and that a new wave of African migrants may soon overwhelm the continent.


“Everything that we experienced in 2015 will happen again, and it will be bigger,” the nationalist leader told German newspaper Die Welt. “Soon the Arab countries will surpass the European countries in population. And I haven't mentioned Africa yet, where soon there will be more people than can be fed.”


Orban has emerged as one of the most vocal opponents of non-European immigration in recent years. As waves of migrants flowed from the Middle East in 2015, Orban constructed a razor-wire border fence and refused passage for asylum seekers whose claims were rejected. Since then he has refused to meet EU migrant relocation quotas and has criminalized individuals and NGOs suspected of “enabling illegal immigration.”


“Hungary is a frontier country,” Orban told Die Welt. “We live our lives in complete readiness. We have many thousands of soldiers and policemen at our southern border,” he added, warning that “today it depends only on decisions of the Turkish government whether the many millions of refugees that are there will set out for Europe.”


As the migrant crisis dragged on, Africa replaced the Middle East as the source of Europe’s migrant influx. Orban called for the establishment of a new body of ministers in Europe to deal with any future immigration from the continent of 1.3 billion people.


“A separate body needs to be created for this, where only the interior ministers of the Schengen zone would sit,” he explained. “The interior ministers of the Schengen zone would need to turn this into a very strong council, where questions that concern the whole Schengen zone would be decided in the manner of experts and not of politicians.”


EU leadership is unlikely to look to Orban for policy advice, however. The European Parliament voted to sanction Hungary for Orban’s anti-migration policies in September, and momentum is currently building to expel the Hungarian leader’s Fidesz party from the European People’s Party umbrella group.

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:10 p.m. No.5533329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3364 >>3376 >>3413 >>3497 >>3625 >>3794

Rand Paul Just Dropped A Giant Bomb On The Vaccine Industry…


Dr. Rand Paul Tells Parents: Vaccines Can Cause Harm, Should Not Be Mandated


During a Senate Health Committee hearing this morning, Rand Paul (R-KY) criticized the idea that parents should be required to vaccinate their children and said that vaccines themselves could cause harm.


“As we contemplate forcing parents to choose this or that vaccine, I think it’s important to remember that force is not consistent with the American story, nor is force consistent with the liberty our forefathers sought when they came to America.”


“I don’t think you have to have one or the other, though. I’m not here to say don’t vaccinate your kids. If this hearing is for persuasion I’m all for the persuasion. I’ve vaccinated myself and I’ve vaccinated my kids. For myself and my children I believe that the benefits of vaccines greatly outweighing the risks, but I still don’t favor giving up on liberty for a false sense of security.”


“It is wrong to say that there are no risks to vaccines,” said Paul. “Even the government admits that children are sometimes injured by vaccines.”


“Now proponents of mandatory government vaccination argue that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children risk spreading these diseases to immunocompromised community,” he declared. “There doesn’t seem to be enough evidence of this happening to be recorded as a statistic.”

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:13 p.m. No.5533366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3497 >>3625 >>3794

Robert Fisk Exposes Israel’s Hidden Role in the Brewing India-Pakistan Conflict


Israel’s export of Zionist nationalism and neocolonialism — and the accompanying oppression that in practice actually helps to create many of the very terrorist groups they fight against — is just as dangerous as its export of arms.


LONDON — Well-known British journalist Robert Fisk recently wrote a very telling and troubling article in The Independent regarding the outsized role of the state of Israel in the burgeoning tensions between India and Pakistan, two nuclear powers. The story — despite its importance, given the looming threat of nuclear war between the two countries — was largely overlooked by the international media.


The tit-for-tat attacks exchanged between India and Pakistan last week have seen long-standing tensions between the two countries escalate to dangerous proportions, though Pakistan helped to deescalate the situation somewhat by returning and “saving” an Indian pilot whose plane had been shot down in retaliation for India’s bombing of targets in a disputed area administered by Pakistan.


That bombing was retaliation for a car bomb attack launched by Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) militants, a group that both India and Pakistan recognize as a terrorist organization, against Indian forces. Some analysts have speculated that India’s decision to bomb this area was made by Indian President Narendra Modi, a Hindu ethno-nationalist, in order to rally his base ahead of upcoming Indian elections in May.


Yet, whatever the reason, the bombing has revealed the close ties that have formed between Modi’s India and Israel, particularly between their militaries. As Fisk notes, following the bombing, Indian media heavily promoted the fact that Israeli-made bombs — specifically, Rafael Spice-2000 “smart bombs” — had been used in the attack. Fisk writes:


Like many Israeli boasts of hitting similar targets, the Indian adventure into Pakistan might owe more to the imagination than military success. The ‘300-400 terrorists’ supposedly eliminated by the Israeli-manufactured and Israeli-supplied GPS-guided bombs may turn out to be little more than rocks and trees.”


Recently released satellite images seem to corroborate what Fisk predicted, as the bombing failed to hit its intended target and instead damaged a nearby forest.

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:14 p.m. No.5533379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3389

‘I am told I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel’ and that’s problematic — Ilhan Omar stands strong amid blizzard of attacks


Ilhan Omar’s statement last week about the role of the Israel lobby– “I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country” — has ignited a firestorm of criticism, including from House Democratic colleagues such as Eliot Engel, chair of House Foreign Affairs, who called on her to apologize for a “vile, anti-semitic slur.” Engel is a regular at the Israel lobby organization AIPAC, where he has promised to keep support for Israel bipartisan.


Nita Lowey has also been outspoken against her colleague:


Lawmakers must be able to debate w/o prejudice or bigotry. I am saddened that Rep. Omar continues to mischaracterize support for Israel. I urge her to retract this statement and engage in further dialogue with the Jewish community on why these comments are so hurtful.


Lowey is also an AIPAC regular. That event was closed to the public, in a Westchester temple.


Debbie Wasserman Schultz has also slammed her colleague:


Sadly, misunderstandings over anti-Semitic, hurtful comments continue, as does hateful Islamaphobic rhetoric. Dialogue leads to understanding. @IlhanMN, repeated misunderstandings would seem to require dialogue to avoid repetitive harm.


Wasserman Schultz led the cheers for Netanyahu when he came to the Congress in 2011 and defended settlements against the pressure from President Obama. She and Eliot Engel have embraced Israeli rightwinger Naftali Bennett, who is now leading the charge to annex the West Bank.


Ilhan Omar has stood strong. Here is her thread from yesterday afternoon, responding to Nita Lowey. Note that she calls out her colleagues for being silent. Note that she finds it problematic that “I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel.” And she knows many agree with her. “I just happen to be willing to speak up.”


Our democracy is built on debate, Congresswoman! I should not be expected to have allegiance/pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in Congress or serve on committee. The people of the 5th elected me to serve their interest. I am sure we agree on that!


I have not mischaracterized our relationship with Israel, I have questioned it and that has been clear from my end.


I am told everyday that I am anti-American if I am not pro-Israel. I find that to be problematic and I am not alone. I just happen to be willing to speak up on it and open myself to attacks.


My Americanness is questioned by the President and the @GOP on a daily basis, yet my colleagues remain silent. I know what it means to be American and no one will ever tell me otherwise.


I am in the Horn of Africa this weekend, proud to see peace prosper here and to be part of the first American delegation to Eritrea🇪🇷 in decades is one I am grateful for. I fight peace and justice because only those who experience the pain of war, know the joy of peace. ✊🏽


Being opposed to Netanyahu and the occupation is not the same as being anti-Semitic. I am grateful to the many Jewish allies who have spoken out and said the same.

We must be willing to combat hate of all kinds while also calling out oppression of all kinds. I will do my best to live up to that. I hope my colleagues will join me in doing the same.



Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:15 p.m. No.5533393   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3497 >>3625

HHS Extends Contract to Make ‘Humanized Mice’ With Aborted Baby Parts for Another 90 Days


The Department of Health and Human Services says it has granted a second 90-day extension to a contract it has with the University of California at San Francisco that requires UCSF to make “humanized mice.”


These creatures are made by implanting mice with human tissues taken from late-term aborted babies.


The HHS's multi-million-dollar contract with UCSF that requires the construction of these “humanized mice” creates a demand–driven by federal tax dollars–for tissue taken from late-term aborted babies. According to an estimate it has published on its website, the National Institutes of Health (which is a division of HHS) will spend $95 million this fiscal year alone on research that–like UCSF's "humanized mouse" contract–uses human fetal tissue.


Under the new 90-day extension, the contract—which the government calls “Humanized Mouse Models for HIV Therapeutics Development”–will run through June 5.


HHS also is still in the process of conducting the “comprehensive review” it announced last September “of all research involving fetal tissue.”


That review was initiated to ensure that all federally funded research using human fetal tissue is consistent “with statutes and regulations governing such research, and to ensure the adequacy of procedures and oversight of this research in light of the serious regulatory, moral, and ethical considerations involved.”


“The UCSF contract has been issued another extension,” HHS said on Friday in response to questions from about the contract and the review.


“We will provide an update on the review once it has concluded and as appropriate,” HHS said.


As first reported on Oct. 17, 2018, the National Institutes of Health, which is part of HHS, originally signed its “humanized mouse” contract with UCSF on Dec. 6, 2013. The contract was for a one-year period and gave the government the option of renewing it for up to six additional one-year periods through Dec. 5, 2020.


According to contract information published on the Federal Procurement Data System, the new three-month extension will pay UCSF $521,082—bringing the total payments the federal government has made to UCSF for this contract to $10,596,960.


If the government continues renewing the contract through Dec. 5, 2020, HHS would end up paying UCSF a total of $13,799,501.


The contract specifically requires researchers at UCSF to make two different types of “humanized mice” both of which are “engrafted with human fetal liver and thymus.”

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:19 p.m. No.5533440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3497 >>3625 >>3794

'Last nail in the coffin for US peacemaking': US merges Israeli embassy with Palestinian mission


Palestinian officials have denounced as hostile the US move to merge its consulate in Jerusalem, which mostly served Palestinians, with the embassy controversially inaugurated last year. The overhaul has been scheduled for Monday.


The US State Department on Sunday formally set a date for the previously announced merger of its embassy in Jerusalem with the consulate, which was operating as the de facto American embassy to the Palestinian Authority.


In his statement, State Department deputy spokesman Robert Palladino argued that the long-planned merger is not intended as a political signal, but is a mere restructuring driven by Washington's efforts "to increase the efficiency and effectiveness" of "diplomatic engagements and operations."


"It does not signal a change of US policy on Jerusalem, the West Bank, or the Gaza Strip," Palladino said.


In a bid to assure Palestinians that the decision would not deal another blow to the already barely existent interactions between Ramallah and Washington, Palladino said that the US would "engage in a wide range of reporting, outreach and programming in the West Bank, as well as with Palestinians in Jerusalem" through a newly devised Palestinian Affairs Unit (PAU) inside the US embassy, which would be located at the same place as the consulate.


The State Department's release on Sunday rehashed word-by-word the statement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, when he made the initial announcement about the merger in October.


Senior officials in Palestine are not buying Washington's assurances that it's simply cutting red tape, however. They said the move was another nod to Israel and an affront to the Palestinian state.

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:20 p.m. No.5533455   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Starting to become "what can we as US congressman and military do for Israel today?".


US Gov chuggs so much kike cock it's not funny!

Anonymous ID: 2bd996 March 5, 2019, 10:24 p.m. No.5533491   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why allow someone to profit? Give it to them free