Anonymous ID: 66f08a March 5, 2019, 9:56 p.m. No.5533158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3235 >>3256 >>3385

Who or what is antichrist?


For all you Biblefags that have been discussing antichrist, consider this. The word antichrist is mentioned in only four passages of the Bible. How many of you Biblefags have actually read and studied these four scriptures in Greek or Hebrew? No? Buckle up your seatbelts, Dorothy, 'cause Kansas is goin' bye-bye!


1 John 2:22; Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.


Let's consider that according to this scripture if you deny “Jesus is Christ” you're a liar. Or, if you deny the “Father and the Son” you're antichrist. Do you Biblefags know Christ's Name? If you say "Jesus" you're a liar. The English name "Jesus" comes from a transliteration of the Latin to English and imparts no meaning whatsoever. However, the Name "Jesus" in Hebrew is "EhyehShua" (Aramaic "Yeshua") and translated to English means "I AM Saves". Do you Biblefags know the Father’s Name in Hebrew? Of course you do, the Father’s name in Hebrew is “Ehyeh”. Therefore, Christ’s Name invokes the Father’s Name, i.e. the Father’s Name and the Son’s Name are One (in English, “I AM”). If you didn’t know the Son’s Name invokes the Father’s Name, you were formerly antichrist. Congrats Christfags, now you know.


1 John 2:18; Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour.


Who is antichrist? Answer: From 1 John 2:22 we know that virtually everyone, including all self-proclaiming Christians on Planet Earth, are antichrist. Now, it logically follows that we are all in the last hour. What last hour? Antichrist’s last hour. Now that we know the Father and the Son are One we are antichrists no more.


2 John 1:7; For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such an one is the deceiver and the antichrist.


Congrats again, Christfags, you are no longer a deceiver (liar) when you confess the coming of Christ’s Name, and by extension the Father's Name, into you (the flesh).


1 John 4:2-3; By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.


In English, “God” is not a name unless you look to that word’s origins from the paleo Germanic “Gott”, the name of an ancient Germanic fertility goddess (as also the surname of a line of ancient Germanic rulers). In Hebrew the “Spirit of God” becomes “Ruach Elohim”. But, what does “Elohim” mean in English? It is actually the plural of “Eloah”. The origins of "Elohim" are probably similar to the origins our English word “God” in that “Elohim” was borrowed from the Canaanite plural noun for a specific angelic, demonic, or godly host of spirit beings. In a nutshell, this verse tells us that everyone (or every spirit) that does not understand and accept that Christ’s Name and the Father’s Name are One Name, are antichrist (apposing Christ). This fact tells us a lot about who, or what, the spirit of Christ actually is. So, you heard that antichrist was coming into the world? According to this scripture antichrist is already here and you and I are antichrist if we don’t know that the Father and Son are One Name.


But what does this all mean? It means that your Heavenly Father has given you a path to Him thru your understanding and internalization of His Name. In essence, you become One with your Heavenly Father, mind, body and spirit, when you accept that the “I AM” that is within you “Saves” you from antichrist.


Good luck Anons. May God (oh, crap, I mean "I AM") go with you.

Anonymous ID: 66f08a March 5, 2019, 10:22 p.m. No.5533476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3594


Thanks Anon. To understand revelation you'll have to read the Greek. Virtually nothing you read in English is even remotely true. I'm not an expert on Revelation in the Greek, but I can tell you that there is no Hell in Greek scripture. The English word "Hell" is translated from the Greek Hades and means grave. The Greek "Hades" appears 70 times in the New Testament and is translated 35 times as "hell" and 35 times as "grave". What, did the translators decide grave or hell with a flip of a coin? In fact, every instance of the English word "hell" can be replaced with "grave" and make perfect sense. I can also tell you with certainty that the "Lake of Fire" is the body of Christ, not the realm of the Devil. The Greek word for "lake" is actually the same word translated to English as "safe harbor". Essentially, those that are cast into the lake if fire (Hebrew "pur") and cast into Christ's spirit and become the "Body of Christ". There is also no Greek or Hebrew word for eternity or eternal. Eternal is derived from the Latin. Translating from Greek to Latin to English is a huge clusterfuck of erroneous meanings. The English word "eternal" in Greek is eonian (meaning of the ages). Again, virtually everything in the English Bible is translated so as to deceive you and to prevent you from knowing the truth, i.e. knowing Christ. But that doesn't mean I'm a Christfag or a Christainfag. I AM neither because I've gone down that rabbit hole and have seen the Truth that is hidden in scripture. It is a very powerful Truth that will set you free if you search and find it. But the problem for you Biblefags is that the scriptures were written by an ancient line of satanic elites for the purpose of enslaving mankind. The most powerful deception is one that weaves truth with lies (the wheat with the tares). Like Q's posts, encoded within the scriptures are the keys to understand the truth when you have learned their comms and when you understand their comms the Greek and Hebrew scriptures are powerful instruments in the hands of the evil men that wrote them or the enlightened Anon that our Heavenly Father has given the spirit of understanding,

Anonymous ID: 66f08a March 5, 2019, 10:35 p.m. No.5533598   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Reading and understanding Q's posts requires you to learn the comms. The same goes for learning the comms of the satanic elites. I contend that the Biblical scriptures were written by the same elite pedophile scum bags that presently rule the world and with whom Q, POTUS and we are presently at war. Learning the Truth of who our enemy is, where they come from and how they control us with religion requires that we learn their comms. Knowing their comms is absolutely necessary to understand and dismantle their satanic tapestry of lies. We can never truly be free unless we pull those tares out by their roots and throw them into the fire.