> God made a covenant with Israel
yes, with Israel, not the Synagogue of Satan. Read Rev2:9, Rev3:9
The anon was correct. Those you call "Jews" are not. A tribe called the Ashkenazi converted to the religion of the Jesus killing Pharisees in the centuries after his death. Confusing the Synagogue of Satan (Rev 2:9, 3:9) with Jesus (1 violent act during lifetime: driving merchants from temple) is a common mistake.
Judaism - Ashkenazi tribe converts to Pharisee religion during the centuries after Christ's death. Continues to write dynamic holy book, known as the Talmud, into present day. Fools Christians into thinking it is the "original Christianity"
Islam - An illiterate warlord gets funding through his ex-nun wife from pope to setup Al-Qaeda 0.1alpha. Gets static holy book written as a one off, known as the Koran. Markets itself to Christians as "updated Christianity"
There is and was only one Abramic religion - Christianity. Hate the truth if it's too much for you to bear, but don't say you never knew. Godspeed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.