Here is what I have worked on, with concert of others.
Neither Congress, nor government institutions, nor government agencies, nor individual, nor any company hosting or managing a bulletin board service, means of interacting with other followers or friends known hereafter as “collective”, shall not infringe on the rights guaranteed to United States citizen’s, whether naturalized in the United States or born in the United States known hereafter as “citizens” from the rights defined below.
Amendment I: No citizen shall have their freedom of speech or freedom of religion rights infringed upon from the collective. All United States citizens have the freedom to say what they wish and worship whom they believe in.
Amendment II: This Internet Bill of Rights shall instate a body to manage, monitor and maintain all new technologies and services by a group of individuals from each state in the Union. The body shall be referred to as the “Internet Governors Committee”. This body will work closely with the collective and will be voted in by a majority citizens vote, the collective will not be prohibited from participating in any part of this process. Each individual voted to this body, will have a term limit of 7 years.
Amendment III: Any new technology that the collective invents shall be published and openly available to any citizen, unless it is detrimental to United States National Security. United States National Security is defined as a product or service that will compromise the protection of its’ citizens. The collective will only be able to declare this type of description after such evidence is deemed appropriate by the Internet Governor’s Committee (IGC).
Amendment IV: The collective shall not have the authority to throttle or decrease any citizens Internet connection. During times of National Emergencies, as defined by the President of the United States, the collective will use and maintain Web 2.0, funded by the collective and not tax payers funds, in so doing will make available the Internet for citizens to contact and assist other citizens in times of need.
Amendment V: The collective shall not introduce any compromising service or product which is determined by the IGC to be used in part or whole against the citizens. Compromising service or products include, but not limited to: deterioration of citizens health, mental or subconscious automation, [fill in the blank]