Flat earth is a clown mind fuck you stupid shit wake up
Look around. Does the Moon and Sun look Flat?
What's more natural, a circle or square? Everything is natural as a matter fact supernatural
Fiddler is also a name of a computer program or protocol I'm not sure but it makes sense to
Dude, I went down the shit hole hard and I watched a lot of friends that were very smart get sucked into this ruin their mind. It's a clown mindfuck how many times I got to say this? The world is round, the moon is round, Mars is round, the sun is round, rocks are round not square
You people just can't get it, everything is going 1500 miles to the east, everything is relative to itself so everything appears still and in place. If you were to jump up and sustain yourself for 10 minutes you would still be in the same position for you are traveling at the same velocity as the world
Can you comprehend that.
So sorry my Friend. I was just venting on the People who can't possibly believe in a Flat Earth but perpetuate the lie to hurt The minds of their own brothers
Because the world is really a Pyramid? Or a Hexeagond?
I dunno no..Flat?
Yea, that must be the core etc answerโฆ.. Ding dong
The world is round, space Flight is real but we've never left low orbit and ventured outside of the van Allen belt Period.
I mean human beings not rockets
That is a Theory, not the fact.
Thanks brother, I was just guessing like anybody else because there is some program or something call fiddler that's all. Thanks for the in-depth info
Thanks Annon!
That's all I was trying to say and got my butt handed to me.
It makes sense to me fourths dealing with Internet protocols. So long thank you
This was funny but you know you're going to Hell now forever ha ha ha ha
Ha ha are we running out of electrons? Ha ha yes you are correct the flat earth clowns attacked but it's been fun
You are correct.
But damn it's been funny hey Saturday night hopefully we won't scare Q off
It's a fact there were giant a.k.a. fallen angels that roamed the earth at one time, they're also was The firmament that cover the earth like a cloud that protected us from the sun. That's why they lived to be 1000 years old. There's many mysteries and they're all fantastic to study