What is a Y a class action lawsuit?
What is AYA class action lawsuit?
Two large healthcare staffing firms appear set for a new court fight. Aya Healthcare accused AMN Healthcare (NYSE: AMN) of attempted monopolization and restraint of trade in a lawsuit filed last Thursday in federal court.
In its complaint, Aya argues AMN uses uncompetitive practices to restrict the available supply of medical travelers and prevent rivals from competing.
https:// www2.staffingindustry.com/site/Editorial/Daily-News/Aya-Healthcare-files-antitrust-litigation-against-AMN-40948?
WHOlly CRaP!
World Health Organization
WHO is a WHO's WHO of WW Fuckery
"WHO Programmes and projects"
http:// www.who.int/entity/en/
Kind of makes me nauseous…