does anyone have a link to the gridiron dinner video??
I want to watch it all.
does anyone have a link to the gridiron dinner video??
I want to watch it all.
VERY good video I picked up here
https:// com/watch?v=GgPU-GvgXYo
Tells it all.
Here's the first part. It's a 40 min watch.
In the 1950's a weapon was invented that has become more powerful than America's deadliest weapons of mass destruction. It is the weapon of mass deception and it is right in our own living rooms.
The hypnotizing world of picture television brings us the news of the world through two central news agencies called Reuters and The Associated Press. The Rothschilds bought Reuters in the 1800's which later bought the Associated Press and made the Rothschild family owners of the world's largest central news services. To the present day the world depends on these Rothschild owned central news services as their main source of news and information.
In his book called "Who Owns the TV Networks" author Eustace Mullins claims that the major TV networks, radio stations, newspapers, and publishing empires are controlled by the Rothschild, Rockefeller, and JP Morfan money cartels through their corporate conglomerates.
The bankster-owned media conglomerates include weapons manufacturers General Electric and Westinghouse which profit from promoting wars. Control over the internet, publishing, recording, and top cable companies can be traced back to the same Big Five media empires… General Electric, Time Warner, Viacom, Disney, and News Corp. These media monopolies are owned directly or indirectly by the Rothschild, JP Morgan, Rockefeller, and Oppenheimer Brotherhood. Yes, there are now more stations and more media voices but they're all coming from the same ventriloquist.
Every TV show needs corporate sponsors and corporate sponsors sponsor pro-business pro-government programming and journalists who support the agenda of the Big Five media owners. While two-thirds of the world goes hungry, these banksters offer kazillion dollars' sponsorships to sports athletes to play with their balls. Why? because they keep the masses distracted from the important issues. The media and banking monopolists now have the power to make or break political leaders around the globe.
Why haven't the networks made a TV movie of the week about how the Bush family made their family fortune? The movie could be called "The Awful Truth" starring George W's great-grandfather, Samuel P. Bush, whose Buckeye Steel's castings company supplies parts for Edward Harriman's railroads, who in turn provides rail shipments for John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil, who in turn gets monopoly financing from the Rothschilds. The movie could be made into a TV series starring Samuel's son, Prescott Bush, as the managing director of a Nazi steel manufacturing plant in Poland, called Silesian Consolidated Steel. In episode One, Prescott Bush forwards American financing to his German partner, Fritz Theisen, through the Union Banking Corporation in New York. Fritz Theisen arranges a contract with Nazi Germany's IG Farben company for free Jewish slave labor in Bush's steel manufacturing plant at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
Episode Two shows Skull & Bonesmen, Prescott Bush and Averill Harriman getting caught under "Trading with the Enemy Act" as the U.S. Government moves in and seizes all of the shares in Union Banking Corporation.
In Episode Three, Prescott's son, the first George Bush, is Director of the CIA. George puts drug king Manuel Noriega on the CIA payroll, allowing thousands of tons of cocaine to hit the streets of America via the Panama Canal.
In Episode Four, George's son, the second George Bush, becomes partners with Osama bin Laden's older brother, Salem bin Laden, in a Texas oil company called Arbusto Energy.
Episode Five introduces George W's shader younger brother, Neil Bush, ripping off the elderly in the Silverado Savings and Loan scandal that cost U.S. taxpayers $1.3 billion.
In Episode Six, the Florida election is fixed by George W's older brother, Jeb Bush, who puts brother George into the top job at the Whitehouse, which brings us back to Auschwitz and the concluding Episode with George W. Bush visiting the slave labor camp where his grandfather helped build the Bush family fortune on free Jewish slave labor.
As a follow-up to the TV series, an awards show could celebrate the 20-year friendship of the Bush and bin Laden families and their shared investment in the Carlyle Group. The Carlyle Group is one of America's largest weapons contractors. For the Bush and bin Laden families, war means profits… big profits.
The plan for world domination by the banksters cannot be accomplished without your cooperation. That plan was formulated in 1773 at Mayer Rothschild's goldsmith shop by 13 influential German Jewish families. Among them were Rothschild, Oppenheimer, Warburg, and Schiff. Their formula for global control is the 3M formula… money control, media control, andmilitary control.