Q and fellow lawfags…. 'For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." They have no statute of limitations protection because they engaged in a cover up. The statute of limitations gets tolled ( extended) if the act continues
. I hate that for them
Q and fellow lawfags…. 'For whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee." They have no statute of limitations protection because they engaged in a cover up. The statute of limitations gets tolled ( extended) if the act continues
. I hate that for them
POTUS made his visitor's log private. Who is in POTUS Cabinet? Who is cooking? Who are Martin Van Buren, Francis Preston Blair, Amos Kendall, William B. Lewis, Andrew Jackson Donelson, John Overton, Isaac Hill, and Roger B. Tane ? Anons, I suggest to you that we have our own valuable recipes stewing and brewing in the kitchen. Cook up the map,memes,hashtags and notable quotes
murder has no statute of limitations so HRC is screwed. Known or should have known becomes the starting point of the clock to begin to tick. It can be reset if they ( the guilty party) continues to take action to cover up the original crime for the purpose of hiding exposure
>>554124 RICO has a statute of limitations. It has a meaning of to effect a large portion of the population OR continue for between 2-10 years. BUT again, if a cover up occurs to hide the acts then the statute of limitations are tolled to when it was known or should have been known
I don't see the value of tiny Trump posting guy's contributions and I see many who agree. I also see 11 adds no value and many agree. Do we have a consensuses of BO banning both so we don't have to filter each bread of the same ID's?
I agree. I am tired and cranky. I shouldn't have said that
I challenge every autistic anon to look at a magazine ad for alcohol. Look specifically at the ice cubes ( because they are easiest) find a subliminal image of sex, money, or danger. You will find a phallic image, a naked woman image, or 2 naked bodies entwined, if you don't find THAT you will find danger or money symbols. Skull and cross bones. $ or some other representation of danger/money. The best place to put that type of subliminal message is lower left of center . Try it. Then expand your thinking