Israel has its hand in everything.
Change in drop quality did occur around that time. I noticed as well. It was after Q was gone for quite sometime. Returned with basically repeats. Not much new info. BUT, how much info can you reveal? They can’t post the whole the plan, yknow?
I’ll accept being called a shill for asking a question punter to the board belief.
I’ll accept bored because I that one isn’t far off.
But hipster? You can fuck right off with that shit. Read my first post. I said how much can Q post? Can’t post the whole damn plan. I’m just stating what is obvious, quality over time has degraded from Q and Autists. Look at Q oct 2017 - March 2018 and look at this board back then.
Then return to now. It’s a holding pattern. That shit is as obvious as the day is light. I’m of the belief it’s a hold for us to take down the bad guys. Some think it’s a holding pattern to get Trump another term. Either way, I see real things happening that are good.
Im not. Fucking hipster. Fuck hipsters.
How does that help? Seems like it just glosses you over and you’d be numb.
:shrug: fair enough. Sorry you can’t have an adult conversation about an idea. Nothing I said is against or in disbelief of this. You’re just too gutless to man up and accept the world will not think exactly the way you do.
You’re mistakenly limping me in with shills. I’m saying Q can’t lay out everything so you should expect recycling.