From what I have read anons are not happy and he plagiarized the entire thing, claims General Flynn was connected and the guy is literally calling people "fake MAGA" or "Communists" who disagree with what he did and the fact he is saying it all about needing money. The guy comes off as a serious fool given what fellow anons have posted. He tried to start a commune cult, sold literature in the past on Ebay about magic and Wiccans. Claimed to be Q apparently long ago or, better stated, did not correct that narrative when he was called Q and is connected to shady fucking people like Kappy, Jones, Sather and others. He comes off as a paytriot who gives no shits about the country and is only out for himself.
No which is interesting because he is the one taking all the credit at this moment and calling everyone else fake MAGA or communists if they question his motivations. Interesting they left his name out of it.
Yeah. His real name is Dustin Craig Krieger so it's all just so stupid. Literal conman using fake name and stealing anons work to pass off as his to profit while claiming any who disagree do not believe in capitalism. The guy is a serious moron. Not to mention he changes his hairstyle to a Hitler doo the very moment he starts pushing his bullshit.
I hope those anons do sue his ass into the ground as I hate that weasels like that are even in the country let alone trying to fame themselves out off the work of others. That is pretty fucked up no matter how we cut it. I feel pretty bad for those anons who spent all that time working on things to help others and the country only to watch that asshole and his band of scammers come in and claim some ownership while claiming to represent us all. Who the fuck does this dipshit think he is. He must not realize that the anons are going to destroy him and his life for this. I seriously do not think he knows what anons can do when it comes to exposing someone. That is the greatest force on the planet in regards to such things and he has managed to piss them all off.
Hmm yeah that might be worth it. Something the nightshift will likely want to jump all over. I will mention it to the shift tonight. Good information anon.
Yeah they are going to get him of that I have no doubt. They do not fuck around and they will find everything out about any damn person and then launch of barrage of exposure. It's scary how good they truly are. I am surprised he hasn't come out and apologized to the anons yet but the guy does not appear very smart so they will make him pay for that I have no doubt as they have no tolerance for that kind of stuff. They probably already hacked his computer and phone and are gearing up to nail him. Fuck… all this for a few bucks and fame that will last 10 minutes.
Dear fucking God anons…. This guy is such a scammer. Just fucking read this. Claiming to be a minor, saying it's good to sniff detergent chemicals…
Nemos, the "author" of the Q book is/was a literal fucking furry: