Eradicating everything Hussein is why we love POTUS.
Walked in with Pompeo; guessing his assistant.
Needs to be put on his tombstone. Died During Penis Enlargment Surgery.
Take your ignorant libelous Ft. Myers ass out of here, and don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya.
Hate to disagree with trip 7's, but the ends never justify the means.
Edison, not Einstein. Edison stole from Tesla and ruined Tesla, not Einstein.
Mockingbird's reactions when they know their insider sources are lying to them. Interesting.
Looks like Mueller put a Russian government entity under indictment in a US grand jury, and the Russians are having none of it.
Typical hipster.
Nope. Earned mine.
Worse. By ascribing omniscience and omnipresence to Mary, they're assigning to her the attributes held only by God Himself.
Yup. They're on Q's radar, and locked on. Hope they can sleep at night.
Vicar, you might say. Vicar of Christ. Vicarious. In place of, in stead of.
Didn't CONUS pop up tho? CONUS would be the 48 states.
Tesla: Einstein's relativity work is a magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a kingโฆ its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists.
New York Times (11 July 1935), p. 23, c.8
Still no fucking Hussein penalty, so, go fuck yourself.
Actually firing the fucking weapons at the fucking enemy in order to eradicate them from the face of the earth.
Hussein: Generational problem, will take decades.
POTUS: They're 100% gone already.
Again, go fuck yourself.
Swindled, slandered, libelled, robbed, belittled, taken advantage of, and in every way possible, ruined.
I really hope POTUS is unveiling true Tesla technology soon; what Tesla had in the making is just incredible.