Are the Dimms behaving? kek
Want to know what's so sad? We were told by Q/Potus the DNC lawsuit would be used to get discovery on the "server" leading to Seth Rich.
Well, few days ago, Trump atty petitioned for dismissal of the lawsuit. So, no discovery and no "how do you legally…."
If Assange would just show the world who gave him the info, it would save so much. He isn't protecting Seth and his days of publishing leaks are over. There is not benefit to him keeping quiet now and in fact would likely end his exile. No US court would convict him for being a publisher of leaked information.
Suspected to be Mueller case. Not proven until now, maybe.
which foreign government would be doing commercial business in the US and would be tied to 2016 election?
This secret GJ was asking for documents from this certain business. I can't think which foreign would be involved except for either UK or Russia, but do eith of them have commercial business here?
True. Still too much redacted from that case to know anything :(