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The interview continued on an almost omniscient plane. "We Jews have put issue upon issue to the American people. Then we promote both sides of the issue as confusion reigns. With their eye's fixed on the issues, they fail to see who is behind every scene. We Jews toy with the American public as a cat toys with a mouse."
As the conversation went on into the late hours, one could sense that perhaps America deserves the reign of terror being planned for her. The Jewish mind pits every ethnic group against the other. "The blood of the masses will flow as we wait for our day of world victory," Mr. Rosenthal said coldly.
For hours after this incredible discussion, a sense of inadequacy prevailed. Is it possible that another group of "human being" could be so treacherous in spirit, so evil in intent? Yet, the words heard and the evidence at hand are real. Is it possible that the American people can remain docile, even while their life's blood is being drained from them? It seems so.
"On the first and fundamental lie, the purpose of which is to make people believe that we are not a nation but a religion, other lies are subsequently based.
Our greatest fear is that this falsehood will be discovered, for we will be stamped out the moment the general public comes into possession of the truth and acts upon it (It is one thing to put a man in possession of the truth, to get him to understand it is another, and to get him to act upon it is another still.
Truth by itself has no value unless used or applied in some way.
It is becoming apparent that an awakening is occurring even here in America.
We had hoped that through our devastation of Christian Germany that any subject dealing with us would be a fearful taboo. However, there seems to be a resurgence here in the one nation that we so strongly control.
We are presently making plans for a rapid exodus. We know that when the light begins to dawn, there will be no stopping it.
All efforts on our part will only intensify that light and draw focus upon it.
"We fear that light is coming forth in movements across this land, especially yours. It has amazed us how you have been successful in reaching the people after we closed every door of communication. This, we fear, is a sign of a coming pogrom that will take place in America soon.
The American public has realized that we are in control, which is a fatal mistake on our part. This nation could never be the land of the free as long as it is the land of the Jew. (This is a concept most patriots cannot understand.
Patriots have spent untold man-hours fighting the IRS, the Federal Reserve, the media, Congress or government in general. These things are merely tools which the Jew now uses against the detestable 'goyim'.
The problem is not the tool or device, but the heathen in control of it.) This is the revelation that will be our undoing.
Since what you have just read plus the lengthy inerview that followed, Mr. Harold Wallace Rosenthal, age 29, the administrative assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits of New York was killed in an alleged sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey, August 12, 1976.
It would appear that Mr. Rosenthal might have "talked too freely" because although four people were killed and some 30 injured during the sky-jacking attempt, Rosenthal was not killed by a random bullet as were the others. From reports secured at the time, it seems amazing and strange that of all the people involved in this incident Mr.. Rosenthal should have been fatally wounded.
Meanwhile, I Walter White who conducted this confidential interview, can now state after much investigation, expense and travel, that Harold Rosenthal was undoubtedly murdered at the Istanbul Airport, in what was to appear as a hijacking probably by his own people
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