Anonymous ID: 60374c March 6, 2019, 1:22 p.m. No.5542399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2468



Court to unseal Christopher Steele deposition


The depositions given by former British spy Christopher Steele and a longtime associate of John McCain must be unsealed, a federal judge said Thursday.


U.S. District Court Judge Ursula Ungaro overruled the objections of both Steele and David Kramer to make the depositions public. The pair gave testimony in a lawsuit brought against BuzzFeed in December 2018 by a Russian Internet entrepreneur.


The businessman, Aleksej Gubarev, was referenced in the infamous dossier compiled by Steele about President Trump’s alleged connections to Russia. Gubarev objected to BuzzFeed’s publishing of the dossier in January 2017, which accused him of using his companies to hack into computers owned by the Democratic National Committee.


(((The depositions could be released as soon as March 14.)))


Ungaro dismissed the libel suit brought by Gubarev in December, ruling that the publishing of the dossier was protected by the fair report privilege.


BuzzFeed was heavily criticized for publishing the unverified 35-page dossier, which contained salacious allegations against the president.


Kramer, a former State Department official, gave the dossier to BuzzFeed in December 2016, after meeting Steele in London weeks earlier.


Steele was hired by Fusion GPS during the 2016 presidential campaign to compile opposition research on Trump.


Last year, Republicans from the House Intelligence Committee put together a memo that accused the FBI and the Justice Department of obtaining surveillance warrants to spy on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign adviser, by using the dossier, but failing to present key information, including its author's anti-Trump bias and Democratic benefactors, to the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.


Democrats argued in a rebuttal memo that the FISA process was not abused and the GOP allegations are meant to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.


Trump’s former longtime lawyer Michael Cohen cast doubt on the dossier in a hearing with the House Oversight Committee on Wednesday. The dossier claimed Cohen visited Prague during the 2016 campaign to meet with Russian officials, but Cohen denied under oath ever visiting the city.

Anonymous ID: 60374c March 6, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.5542508   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To bypass the mainstream media (e.g. MSNBC, CNN, NYT) and its controlled opposition (e.g. Infowars), the US executive is engaged in a direct dialogue with (select parts of) the public. If you want to understand why that is necessary, you need to do some research on the historical relationship between the media and the (hitherto out of control) intelligence services.


This is a war for credibility and legitimacy, with the battle now emerging from the shadows into the public eye. It doesn’t really matter what you think of Trump or his administration per se, because this is not “politics” as you’ve come to know it. There is de facto a military government in the USA right now running the show, fighting the “deep state” shadow government. It maintains a civilian facade for show, to avoid panic and societal meltdown.


Don’t believe me?


There was a formal state of emergency hat was declared in December, with all the powers that entails, and remains in force:


Military tribunals are in preparation:


Vast assets seizures have taken place:


Sealed indictments are running at 30+ times the normal level.


Thousands of senior executives have resigned.


Abnormal numbers of politicians have not seeking reelection.


Watergate was a tiny blip compared to this. The anonymous team behind the Q identity is the new “Deep Throat”, and “anons” and “autists” are the new Woodwards and Bernsteins, spreading the anti-corruption message far and wide. The Internet disintermediates all traditional publishing platforms and media empires, bypassing their censorship and deceit. You reading this message is absolute proof that this novel public relations strategy works!


The key question is how you should respond to Q’s messages, as reasonable people may choose to differ in interpreting propaganda.


I believe that what Q is presenting us with is the end game of a process that has been in progress for decades. The assassination of JFK was a coup d’état initiated by “deep state” forces against the formal government. JFK was undoing the power of the private central banking cartel, and they moved to terminate him before he could complete the plan.


This is now the long-awaited counter-coup by American Patriots to re-establish the full original Republic. It is the “Second American Revolution”, whose goal is largely the same as the first one: freedom from unaccountable powers of aristocracy and transnational finance. Your Presidents should not all come from a small pool of privileged families.


How can we be reasonably certain Q is the “real deal”? From well over 2000 “crumbs” dropped by Q, there are dozens and dozens (likely over 100) of “confirmations” that have been set up by the Administration.!bvR2lCJB!OOP1-Dxp58XnrI7c8VSm9Q!36xGUL6Y


Some are small and subtle (unlikely “coincidences” of spelling and timing of Q drops with Trump tweets), some enormous and unmissable (trailing the Korea agreement well in advance), and a few splendidly silly (like Q being challenged to put “tip top” into a Trump speech, and it happening!).


Those malevolent forces are now being uprooted, and justice is coming in an epic manner. This is absolutely unprecedented in our lifetime, and natural skepticism is warranted. It is merely my best reading of the situation, meant as a gift to you of my insight and intellect. Should it transpire that I am merely another gullible fool with a keyboard, then I readily accept the reputation consequences.


If I have read the situation correctly, then many people will have their sense of reality seriously challenged by forthcoming events. Expect to find many heartbreaking betrayals, and horrific crimes by those in power whom you previously trusted, and of all affiliations. The Great Awakening is not going to be easy, and it is absolutely necessary, lest a system of tyranny and totalitarianism takes hold.

Anonymous ID: 60374c March 6, 2019, 1:52 p.m. No.5542928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2970 >>3054 >>3108

Long before Trump’s trade war with China, Huawei’s activities were secretly tracked


The U.S. focus on Huawei intensified after years of investigation into smaller Chinese rival ZTE Corp, and relied in part on information collected from devices of company employees traveling through airports.


Two of the sources said a critical point took place in August 2017, when deputy U.S. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein - best known for his oversight of special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian interference in the U.S. election – handed a lead role to Brooklyn prosecutors to pursue possible bank fraud charges against Huawei.


Fifteen months later, that strategy would help land Meng in a Canadian jail.


The U.S. investigations of China's top telecom companies were spurred by reports by Reuters over six years ago, detailing possible Iran sanctions violations by both ZTE and Huawei, as well as close ties between Huawei and Skycom Tech Co Ltd - a suspected front company doing business in Iran.