Looking for Anons to come live on YT to share your knowledge and thoughts…
Open door to anyone …
What does it matter when you can speak the truth … PSB would be a good place to start
How can it be assassination when you bring FACTS….
READ this board.... We are still divided ....
Brainwashing is hard to break through
No need to show your face … Scared still ?? Brave Anons are hard to find
Already told you where would be a great start…. Learn to read
You have a long way to go then Anon… If you can't trust Q and Potus to give you facts … If you listened to YTers you would not be scared to offer your thoughts…
Challenge come on PSB and offer your thoughts… What a better place to start then somewhere that is totally into Q and Potus
YOU are only speaking for yourself…
There are millions of others , You can't speak for them….
8Chan is not the only place to get info….
CIA site and dumps…
NSA site,
GOV. site..
Court docs.
and many other places to get info…
Just B/c Q drops here does not mean you have ALL the info…. Digging means digging not only where Q sends you but using your brain
7 PM to 9PM EST…
Patriot Soapbox "Digging Deeper" with Good Dog and Radix Venum ..
Going much deeper then Q drops… Don't miss our FREE Show..
Patriot Soapbox 24/7 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWt2rG21GYw
Not presently … but the whole Obama term started with the Ron Brown murder…
At the end will will tie that connection… That is where Q is going…. So interesting knowing the inside workings of the Cabal….
> they give out extra sauce on decodes for a bit of $?
Supply proof with your accusation.. OR are you still in the DEM mode…. Hard habit to break isn't it ??
Dem accusations without facts… Your with the wrong army
BS we don't need 8chan…
and use it very sparingly cause you guys don't bring deep sauce… Only stuff that Q highlights
OOOHHH New Qs …. Got to go and dig…. no time for 8chan now….