How come patriots are cool with wanton drone murder Q
? Or 5g which is literally proven to fuck up peoples health and brains
You are staling for the nwo you fucking dickless faggot
How come patriots are cool with wanton drone murder Q
? Or 5g which is literally proven to fuck up peoples health and brains
You are staling for the nwo you fucking dickless faggot
Yes anon lets worry about some,book rather than the fact that posting here gets you on the spook list
Or the attention of very very bad entities who will fuck with you until you give up and killyourself
Not to mention Q is a giant fucking fraud and every single day trump does some stupid shit that further exposes it
I just hope to god that he loses in 2020 so the patriot movement isnt psyoped and baited along with fisa for his whole term
This board exists to get you to dig so Qs people can cover up what you find
Why do it themselves when you can bait the autists into doing it lmao
Qanon is the mueller investigation for the left
Both sides are radicalized into hating each other and thinking that the bad guys of each side will be arrested
In reality every single person you see on tv is part of the club and is in on,the movie
Whats really happening is them enriching themselves and setting up the ai network to censor the entire internet cus they fucked up and gave us a wild west
Once 5g is up people like,me,will probably have their brains melted by the radiation
Which the deep state does to me
I really hope you anons stop making excuses for trump and Q and actually wonder why nothing ever happens or changes
The one bright light is all the trafficking arrests but the cynical side of me says thats for the "regime change" psyop theyre going to use on us to bring in the nwo
Love is completely cool with drone strikes putting megacorp profits above human health
Destroying the environment
You can fuck off Q and or the nsa
All of you anons got tricked into supporting bush admin 3.0
Q does not give a fuck about you people outside your value as slaves
Dont make me get the spray bottle demon
Right to try was passed so they can push more poison past the fda
Literally everythint they do is about money or causing suffering
Look at the actual people potus apointed
Fucking wilbur ross and goldman sachs people john bolton mike pompeo etc are gonna drain the swamp
You literally need to be under mind control to believe this shit
And we probably are
All the anone getting tinnitus after following Q
Cool give consent to,the evil that runs this world by particpatint in,their voting system
Why not we already do when we spend money
It doesnt show as much as the same "anons" who reply to all questioning,of the plan with ""kill yourself faggot" and the lame ass memes
I wonder if lucky larry silverstein one of potus s "good friends" will ever be held accountable for 911
Even if Q is real all signs point to Q letting everyone evil die and hide their crimes
Potus will probably agree with this as he loves sucking off israel
Name a single promise potus has kept that helps the average american and not wall street or israel
Youve literally posted this 30+ times you cia nigger
Literal propaganda with no specifics nice anon
I wonder how much the memes Q told us to make helped twitter facebook etc censor them
They got a kick out of making,you guys do the work lmao
Right anon
Now ask yourself why trump and Q keep kicking,the ball back to our goalie and scoring own goals
Q has never mentioned this asshole or any bush people