>>5542969 (pb)
Likely very few Anons here want to hear what I have to say about the Catholic Church’s ancient practice of harvesting adrenochrome, but here goes.
It is very likely that the same elites that had been educated and indoctrinated in the ancient arts and satanic rituals of the Occult Mystery Schools, stepped quickly from deep within their Roman Temples into Constantine’s 3rd century Catholic Church. They brought with them the same secret ritual practices of pedophilia and child sacrifice that had also been the practice of the early Christian sects (read the Dead Sea Scrolls). These secret rituals and practices had previously been branded into the scriptures of the burgeoning religion of Christianity so it was an easy transition for these priests.
Notice in the accompanying 11th thru 13th century Christian iconography how Mary is often depicted with the baby Christ positioned in or near her belly. When one understands the ancient occult mystery schools’ ritual practice of the Eucharist, the consuming of Christ’s flesh (Amanita muscaria mushroom), and then the imbibing of Christ’s blood (the resulting psychoactive urine), one begins to touch upon the hidden and metaphorical meaning of these Biblical scriptures.
The priests’ harvesting of adrenochromes occurred when a child was forced to eat the dried Amanita muscaria mushroom and then urinate into wine vessels (think about how Christ turned water to wine). The urine could then be imbibed two or three times in succession while maintaining its psychoactive effects (notice the two or three fountains of “living water” streaming down from Mary’s belly in the iconography). When in addition to consuming the mushroom the child was physically tortured, or a virgin child (never having experience the psychoactive effects of the mushroom), and with the Child’s resulting fear, the urine became enhanced by the addition of adrenochrome. As you may be aware, adrenochrome is a water soluble metabolite resulting from the oxidation of adrenaline which is produced in the adrenal glands (above the kidneys).
Yes, this is a very disgusting thing for Christians to contemplate but this understanding fully explains the predominance and frequency of the practices of pedophilia in the modern day Catholic Church.