Anonymous ID: 1df26d March 6, 2019, 4:03 p.m. No.5545144   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5165



Historical evidence or whatever you want to call it, that some jews are indeed cannibals


I was talking to a family member about jews recently and this family member reminded me about the Shakespeare play "The Merchant of Venice". I had read the story as a kid but didn't remember any of it except for the part about someone demanding a "pound of flesh" from someone who was unable to repay a loan. This family member who does not believe (or at least pretends not to believe because bashar al-mossad may be listening) the things I say about the jews, reminded me that the character that demanded the "pound of flesh" was a jew.


Anyway, I was planning on looking up the story but had totally forgotten about it until yesterday. I went to the wikipedia article to read the plot summary and noticed that the article seems to be controlled by jews and it also appears to be locked.


I recommend that those that still do not believe the negative things that they read or hear about the jews read that article. Someone with a gab account should also leave a comment using dissenter about how it can be considered evidence that some (if not all) jews might indeed be cannibals (as claimed by so called "antisemetic" conspiracy theorists).

Anonymous ID: 1df26d March 6, 2019, 4:16 p.m. No.5545415   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I recommend all so-called "good jews" to reeducate themselves and then drop their evil religion




By the way, I am not just anti-jew I am anti-religion. So I recommend christians, etc to reeducate themselves too.


Same re-educational material -