Anonymous ID: 21d27d March 6, 2019, 4:07 p.m. No.5545220   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I’ve been thinking about this for a long time and I’m sure someone else has mentioned it, but here is my deal…


I'm sure there are smart people everywhere. I'm also sure that these smart people lurk around on these boards; therefore, if anons know "the plan", then these other people know "the plan". Let's face it, it's not too hard to decipher "we have it all".


If these smart people are black hats and know "the plan", then Democrats in congress know "the plan".


If Democrats know "the plan" and they are still moving forward unabashed with their impeachment proceedings, radical bills and insane campaign positions, there are only so many possibilities as to why they are doing so:


  1. They have something on Trump and know he will never "declass" anything. They are fast-tracking their agenda with full-confidence that Trump will be impeached and "someone" will be left behind to run things who will enforce their agenda and not veto their bills.


  1. Since this is such a large, coordinated campaign on the part of the Democrats (simultaneous border surges, EO lawsuits, Move-On petitions, Trump investigations, radical gun/abortion/spending bills…etc), there must be a body of governance. If there are smart people in this governance body, then they are ignoring "the plan" and simply pushing forward as hard as possible to get Trump out of office while simultaneously attempting to make every conservative candidate unappealing to the American people.


  1. Those in power in the Democratic party have been compromised by white hats; blackmailed to push forward with the theatrics that make them look utterly insane, seditions and treasonous. This might be because "Q" is literally begging people in America to take back the country the old-fashioned way.


  1. They are doing this all for a show to appease their base because it’s what they believe their base wants in a political party.


  1. They are just incredibly stupid, arrogant and unaware that people can think for themselves.


  1. Everyone is an actor in this “show” and it’s all going according to the plan.


I'm praying it's >=#4