Anonymous ID: 3d2a3e March 6, 2019, 3:55 p.m. No.5544954   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4971

Secretaries of State respond to HR1


March 6, 2019

Re: HR 1 – For the People Act of 2019


Dear Speaker Pelosi and Leader McCarthy:As the chief election officials of our respective states who are responsible for administering the election process, from the registration of voters to their casting of ballots to the counting and tallying of votes, we are writing to express our deep concern over, and opposition to, HR 1. This unnecessary bill federalizes and micromanages state election systems,

unconstitutionally and unwisely interferes with the authority of the states, and restricts the choices of our citizens in conducting elections. It also imposes crippling financial mandates on state governments and severely limits our ability to ensure the balance of access and security of the election process, while eliminating the verification of state qualification standards for voters.