Anonymous ID: 5a5aae March 6, 2019, 4 p.m. No.5545054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5107 >>5284

Q has not condemned the making of money off of this movement with this new book. Logical conclusion is Q is a LARP and one of the authors trying to suck every last penny out of you stupid boomers before they shut the Qlarp down. WE TOLD YOU SO ASSHOLES hahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Anonymous ID: 5a5aae March 6, 2019, 4:07 p.m. No.5545226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5256


Sorry DUMBASS. Not one single one of them has been larping as military intelligence and fooling a bunch of dumb fucks like you to soak you for every fucking penny on a larp. You stupid fuckers wouldn't listen, now you are paying the price.


If the QLARP was not involved in this scam they would have posted about it already.


What Q is going to do is make a shit ton of money off the book until it peaks then it will make a post condemning the book to make it look like it had nothing to do with it.


YOU HAVE ALL BEEN CONNED!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahaha! We fucking told you so!!!!

Anonymous ID: 5a5aae March 6, 2019, 4:11 p.m. No.5545312   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5355


Not my problem you feel like a totally stupid fucker who wouldn't listen for 2 years and now knows they have SUCKER written all across their forhead. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!


We told you stupid fuckers you were getting scammed!!!!